Driven Alpha

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The bitch did it again! He really did it again! Tate had pissed off Daemon and it wasn't until Daemon's facial expressions really started to show that I had realized the subject of their conversation upstairs. My blood began to boil inside my body, more my chest than anything else but it felt as if I was being burned from the inside out. Such excruciating pain. The Driven Alpha had been provoked and it was almost the last time he was going to be underestimated. The burning dragon's blood was fueling the hatred these brothers had for one another.

I remember looking a them and all of a sudden my hearing went blank. What happened next is usual for creatures like me. I suddenly blacked out. When I came to, I saw Tate and only Tate. Wynrie and Daemon must've been downstairs and I must've been carried upstairs by Tate. It felt very wrong. Being with him. I suppose I did honestly picture myself with Daemon more but soley because I'm a little more his type and Tate had absolutely no taste in people, honestly.

I didn't really care too much though to be honest. I did enjoy his presence and company. He was a sight to look at as well. He was pretty good looking, of course, not as good looking as Daemon. Daemon was more passionate about things, Tate couldn't give a shit less about anything much including himself at times.

"What happened? How did I get here in my bedroom? How'd..", suddenly Tate cut me off. "I'm not exactly sure what you.. I don't know what happened to you earlier. And I took a random guess besides not like I also couldn't tell which one was yours even if I had to look in every room here. I brought you here to figure out whatever in the ass that dick was. That's it. Nothing more," he said. I knew what he said those last few words, they were a huge fuckin lie. I could also see it somewhat in his facial expression too.

"You know, I must thank you for this. Bringing me out of sight for a bit. I will say though, that I didn't believe that whole Not give a shit attitude when you talked about the whole nothing more bullshit. It seems like you jumped to the conclusion before actually really deciding about it. It's quite humorous. You do care about me more than you want to because there's something there. I do have feeling for you to be honest. You want me too. It's as simple as that. Just be with me," I said, groaning a little. He just stood stunned, in front of me. His face was oddly expressionless.

Maybe I was the one who made the mistake. Maybe I had read it wrong. But I did know how I felt about him though. That much was truly real. He stood up and walked over to the doorway and stood there for a minute, trying to see if he could hear them moving or talking. He heard none, of course and turned to face me and he spat out," Isn't it enough that someone actually likes you? That someone, let alone a guy, wants you for you? Why does it always have to go south so fast with our conversations.. Honestly?"

I sighed and replied," There's certain times to joke about wanting someone and let alone someone like me. I wish you could be more serious when we discuss things but for some reason, your just stuck in your silly ways. If you were serious you would have been romantic or just made a move already. I can't be serious with someone who's never really serious about jack shit.

You forget Tate, I grew up with you and Daemon so I know y'all like the back of my ass. Or the tops of my titts. Yet you want to sit here and pretend like it doesn't bother you that Wynrie is with Daemon and that you aren't wanted by her. Truth is, you've never wanted me at all and now that possibly the only girl you will ever truly love, doesn't even want to know you. You've become desperate for any girl honestly." I could tell I had struck him like a slap in the face. His face grew red and a small scowl formed quickly. He said nothing more to me just exited the room.

Shortly after Tate left, I heard what tried to be silent footsteps approaching my room. To my surprise though, it was Daemon. "I figure you saw your brother's face and had to come check out what fucked up things I said huh," I said. He shook his head and replied," Nah, he's always looking that way when he's called out on his shit. I figured he didn't like the truth to told so he had to go outside and smoke a couple smokes before coming back and continuing the conversation with you.  It's kind of his thing, get mad, smoke a few and come back and try to fight you on it. That's how he is. I never understood him much though when it comes to so much. But that's perfectly fine with me. Anyways, how you feeling now?"

"I'm fine. Honestly don't even remember blacking out. Not sure what all happened. Can't tell you much else," I answered. The surprise hit Daemon's face quicker than Tate's irritability had. These were definitely brothers alright. That muh was clear. "I'm not sure what you said because I don't speak Witch but I believe you were trying to say some sort of spell perhaps. Mayhap it was a sort of trance you were just in. I'm not sure. The few witches I've been around have never done anything like that before. I was just checking on you and  here to tell you to protect her. Please..." he cried out.

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