Chapter 1: The League

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 Ben and Rory slung their badges over our necks.

Beijing China, International Convention of Peace... A place where people all around the world can come to have discourse about stopping World War 3.

"So, where's the league?" Ben asked playfully. She punched his arm in response.

Rory was looking around for people to join her league when she got distracted by a crashing noise coming from the buffet area. A boy wearing a black hood had pushed another boy with white hair into a table, knocking over glass bowls. The boy with white hair got back up, throwing his fist in the air, preparing to hit back when Rory sprinted between them. Before the fist could meet her body, she grabbed it. In response, he squinted his eyes down at her.

"Hey," Rory smiled in victory, not removing her grip, "this is The International Convention of Peace. Play nice please?"

He ripped his hand out of her grip, giving one more glance at the other guy before looking back to Rory. "Who are you?" she could tell that he was forcing a Canadian accent. It was obvious he was German.

"My name is Rory and I am from Ireland. Who are you two?"

The boy with the white hair laughed. "I can definitely tell you're Irish." he poked at her hair before continuing, "I'm Will. I'm German but I live in Canada."

Rory looked over at the boy with the hood, waiting for an answer. "Archer. I'm from Russia." his accent made that obvious.

"Rory," Ben called, "what are you doing?"

"Hang on a second!" she called back.

Will looked over at Ben then back at Rory, "And him?"
"Ben. My brother." she answered, smiling. He nodded.

Archer turned to leave but Rory gripped his shoulder, "Archer, wait~" he turned around, his bright blue eyes meeting her almost red ones. She backed away so that she was facing both Will and Archer.

"Have you guys ever heard of the League of Peace?" Rory asked.

"It sounds familiar." Will recalled as Archer nodded.

Archer removed his hood, revealing his grey hair with little black streaks throughout. "Are you the little Irish girl who came up with the theory of the league?"

Rory nodded hastily in agreement, glad that word spread throughout other countries. "Yeah, but I'm not so little anymore. I'm 13 years old."

Will laughed, "Doesn't matter, you are still little in size."

Rory shook it off, "Anyways," she straightened up, "I'm here looking for the league members and I have a really good feeling about you two."

"Wait... You want us to be one of the 5 selected for the league?" Will raised his eyebrows, slightly shocked. Rory nodded in response.

"Okay." They both agreed after a long moment of silence, seeming a bit hesitant.

"Ah, thank you guys! You won't regret it!" she squealed, pulling the closest person, which happened to be Will, in a tight, suffocating hug. He squirmed in pain and pushed her off of him, causing her to give him a disappointed look.

"Okay, now I must go look for the other members. I'll come and find you guys later." Rory turned away and darted back to her brother. He gave her a 'who the heck are those guys' look.

"They are the members of the league. Will from Canada and Germany, and Archer from Russia." Rory beamed, looking proud of herself. "Now I just have to find the other two."

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