Chapter 2: Letters to the League

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 Rory layed down on her red blanketed bed with a pad of paper, a red inked pen, a few envelopes, and a pile of stamps with the flag of Ireland printed on each of them.

"First, to Will..." she sighed happily, clicking her pen, and blowing a strand of her bright hair out of her face.

Dear Will,

Thank you so much for joining the league. You seriously have no idea how much it means to me that you are apart of it. I think everyone gets annoyed with how much you and Archer argue over the group chat, as do I, but I think that conflict between is almost necessary for our league. It has been my plan all along. That's why I selected you and Archer immediately. But please do not let your complications interfere with the teamwork we will soon be displaying next month... Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I talked with Archer and he agreed to let the whole league come over to his place in Moscow Russia on the 6th of next month. We will be spending a few nights in the woods, so please pack accordingly. Oh, and... I'm sorry for what happened at the conference. I swear, I was just trying to get you to stop nagging about Archer. But don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bad kiss... Anyways, let me know if you will be able to come to Moscow next month, we could really use you. I should probably mention that one of the reasons I kissed you was just a reckless act caused by my ADHD. I hope that makes more sense.



Rory set the letter aside before writing to the other members of the league to inform them about the trip to Moscow. Just as she finished writing the last letter, to Lillian, Ben showed up in the entrance of the doorway. Since they both shared the same room, it didn't alarm Rory that her brother didn't knock and just waltzed right in.

"Who you writing to?" he asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"The league." she replied shortly, clicking her pen. Ben picked up the piece of paper that was to Will and started to read it. Rory, forgetting what she had wrote in it, started to put the other letters in their envelopes.

"Woah, woah, woah! You kissed a guy at the convention?" he dropped the letter and looked to his sister, dumbfounded.

She shrugged, "Relax, it was just Will."

"Will? The one who got in a fist fight with Archer? You kissed that dude?" by now, Ben was panicking.

"That's the one." Rory laughed softly as she grabbed the letter to Will and tucked it carefully into the envelope.

"Don't tell me you actually have feelings for this kid..." Ben groaned. She just shrugged. "Oh, come on!"

While Rory piled all the letters in one pile, Ben made a decision. "I'm coming with you to Moscow."

"Fine by me. You can't come to the woods with us though. League only." she put emphasis on that last part.

"I'll take it."


A week later, Rory received a letter from Will. On the letter, it was addressed from William, which she guessed was his real name.

Dear Rory,

Despite the sudden occasion, I am glad to be apart of your league. Although, I am still not fond of Archer and I honestly don't know what you mean by us arguing being a good thing for the league. But, oh well, I suppose I trust you. I asked my aunt and grandmother if I could come to Moscow, and they said yes. I am eager to see you and find out what is in store for the league. Oh and the kiss... I didn't mind it really, don't worry about it... It just shocked me is all. I suppose your plan of getting me to shut up worked after all. Maybe it will also work when we see each other in Russia in a few weeks? I sure hope so.

With Love,


Just as Rory finished reading the letter, Ben snatched it out of her hands. He started quickly shaking his head, obviously not impressed. "This is exactly why I am coming with you." he heaved.

Rory crossed her arms and pouted, not saying anything in response, while Ben walked out of the room, standing tall, feeling proud of what he had just accomplished.

She smiled as she pulled out her phone to text Will.

Rory: Dia dhut! I just got your letter today. I loved it.

Will: Yeah? What does dia dhut mean?

Rory: It's hello in Irish :)

Will: I see... Hallo to you as well

Rory: Hello in German?
Will: Yes. Good job, you're practically fluent.

Rory: Nice Karate Kid reference

Will: I try

Rory: Oh by the way, Ben is coming to Moscow as well.

Will: Nice. When are you guys flying in.

Rory: August 6th, at 10 hundred hours.

Will: Russian time?

Rory: Yep. When are you flying in?

Will: Same day. Just at 9 hundred hours.

Rory: Yay! We'll see each other in the airport then?

Will: Yes ma'am

Rory: Great. Well, I should probably inform Archer about what's going on. See you~
Will: Goodbye

Rory then went on to text Archer.

Rory: Dia dhut, Archer. Okay, so everyone is now officially able to come. My brother, Ben will also be coming with us if that's okay?

Archer: Yeah, that's fine.

Rory: Okay cool. We'll all be at the airport at 12 hundred hours, so get us then if possible.

Archer: Sounds good

Archer: I have to go. Bye

Rory: Okay, bye!

Rory put her phone down with a sigh. Archer never really seemed to enjoy talking to any of them. She really hoped that this trip would cause him to open up a bit more. Hopefully everyone would open up more, not just Archer. Lillian and Matt talked quite a bit on the group chat, which made Rory happy, but Lillian was a really negative person, and Rory didn't like that about her. Will talked quite a bit, but it was usually just to spite Archer. On the bright side, it was obvious that Will didn't hate Rory, or else he would be doing the same thing to her as he does to Archer.   

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2018 ⏰

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