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"Love is a friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet, understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weakness." - Ann Landers

When I slipped that small, diamond ring with an infinity sign on the front of it, I felt all of my pieces come back together. But, that feeling didn't last for long until we 'called off' the engagement. Cat Valdes, I don't mean to call you out but, why? Cat caused a bunch of drama, and made up lies like I was cheating on Joey, or crap like that, and Joey always believed her. We went to counseling, but I had my own private session. These were my therapists on words, "Cheaters think everyone cheats. Liars think everyone lies. Simple as that." I left that session questioning if the love of my life was really cheating on me, or if that was just a theory. The sum up a long story short, Joey was cheating on me. I don't know how long we were separated, but I did need time to see if I was capable of forgiving him. We went to couples counseling once again, and she suggested that we spend some time away from each other. We we spent 6 months. No calling, no texting, no visits, no nothing. I honestly don't know what happened through the period of time we spent separated. One day, I opened the door to my surprise, Joey was behind that door, which his hand gripping a bouquet of flowers. I smiled at the thought of him coming by first, and not waiting on me to. That night we talked. We talked and talked and talked. We spoke to each other all night long, and confessed our worries or troubles or problems we had. It felt good to open up to him again, and after going 6 months without seeing my bestfriend, or without even coming in contact with him. He started playing Adventure Time, and I scooted over to him, getting closer to him and snuggling under the blanket. He looked over at me and he just stopped paying attention to the tv screen, while I would glance back once in a while to see if he was still looking at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, turning my attention towards him. "Because your beautiful." He replied right before crashing his lips onto mine. 


infinity - moey short auWhere stories live. Discover now