We Were Supposed to Be Forever

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"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal." - Richard Puz

I didn't sleep that night. Joey kept telling me to go home, but I would refuse. It wasn't because of the uncomfortable couch, it was because the words the doctor told me where replaying in my head, almost like a replaying tape. I tried to be careful not wake Joey up, because he had surgery the next day. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that Joey could die. I don't understand. He was so healthy, he went on runs, he went to the gym. I went outside and sat on the curb. It was about 2am so nobody was out here. I started mumbling words which started with 'why?' I stood up and started pacing around the parking lot. I raised my voice. "Why me? Why? Why did this happen to Joey? We are just beginning our life together and now your taking his away? Why me God? Why us? We were supposed to be forever, and now I don't know what we are now." I raced back into his room, crying. I didn't sleep at all. They took Joey into surgery around 9 that morning, and I was just stuck in his room. After a couple hours went by, a doctor finally came up to me saying a sentence I will never forget. "Mrs. Graceffa, unfortunately Joseph went into cardiac arrest during surgery, so we had to put him in medically induced a coma. There is about a 40% chance that he won't wake up, but we doubt that, but we will have to see how he does. During surgery, we tried what we could do to clear this disease, but we will see how Joseph reacts to it. If he started developing a rash, it means that his body is rejecting the medicine, and that is our only hope. So if Joey does reject, we will have to put him on hospice." In that moment, I didn't feel like crying. I felt like falling to my knees and never waking up. I walked into his room and saw him laying there, and that was the last I saw before climbing onto the couch and falling asleep.

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