Chapter Two- Rosa

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Silas was a quiet child, but very active. I would often find him wandering the halls of the hive searching for me, which turned into a problem as he grew into a larger child. Around the age of three sweeps, he was found by the Grand Highblood. This would normally be a problem if not for how sweet Silas had become. When I found them, Silas was sitting in the Highblood’s lap, talking away to the silent man. 

“...And I’m Silas! I’m exactly three sweeps 9ld, plus a few weeks. M9ther tells me I’ll gr9w up to 6e 6ig and str9ng. May6e I’ll 6e as str9ng as y9u s9meday!” 

As I peeked in the room, I could see that the Highblood didn’t seem to mind my young son, but I wasn’t going to test his patience or allow Silas to be around when he went on a rampage. Making a quick decision, I stepped into the room. As soon as Silas saw me, he ran towards me and jumped into my arms.

“M9ther! I made a new friend!”

“That’s Wonderful Darling. What’s Your New Friend’s Name?”

Silas’ eyes widened as he realized he didn’t know and he quickly turned towards The Grand Highblood, who watched our exchange with cold eyes before speaking.

“I prefer to be called GHB, not by my real name.”

Silas’ gray eyes widened in wonder as he nodded and gave the most beautiful grin I had ever seen on such a young child. My son, in all his innocence, then said something I would have never believed if I hadn’t been present to hear it.

“Well, can I call y9u uncle instead? We’re all 9ne 6ig family, right?”

GHB’s piercing purple eyes widened at his words and the highblood looked uncharacteristically unsure of himself. After a moment of thought, his lips broke into a menacing smirk, the closest I’ve ever seen to a smile to grace his lips.

“Yes, Silas, you can all up and call me uncle.”

Despite being angry after learning of Silas’ living in the hive for so long without them knowing, many of the highbloods immediately took a liking to Silas, even allowing him to follow them around the hive, but never letting him follow when they went on rampages where they killed many lowbloods as they were prone to do. 

I made sure they never found out about his mutant blood, lest he be killed. 

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