Chapter Three- Rosa

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Silas’ favorite thing to do was to go on our occasional “adventures” into the village to take food to lowbloods and visit KP, who he called his sister. They often traveled around the village together and he was known by many of the lowbloods there, a fact I never shared with any of the highbloods, none of them even knew about KP. It was on one of these trips when he was around six sweeps old (which would make KP 8 sweeps and Rosa 12 sweeps) that we found two children called Disciple and Psiioniic. 

We were on our way to KP’s home when Silas abruptly stopped outside an alley and looked around. I was used to the occasional stops he would make to look around, so I thought nothing of it until he ran into the alley and came back moments later, leading two other children. These children, I soon learned, were without lusii due to them being culled recently. With Silas’ help, they began to speak freely to me and I soon learned their names. Kitty and Simon were what Silas and I both called them, though their true names were Disciple and Psionic.

Disciple was a beautiful young lady, half a sweep younger than Silas, while Psionic was a handsome little guy a little older than him. The three of them hit it off right away and became fast friends. By the end of the day, Silas convinced me to adopt them into our little family and take them back to the hive. This was no problem seeing as, by this time, the highbloods knew that I had been taking Silas out into the village, though they didn’t know about our smuggling food.

On the way home, Simon fell asleep and Kitty had begun to grow tired, resulting in me carrying the three children in my arms. As Simon slept and Silas drifted off, Kitty began to talk to me.

“Miss Rosa?”

“Yes Kitty? What Do You Have To Say?”

“Well, Miss Rosa, thank you purr taking us purrfectly impurrfect little pawpers in. I don’t know what would have happened to us if you hadn’t.”

I gave the beautiful little girl a smile as she rested her head on my shoulder.

“It’s Not A Problem Little One. I’m Glad You Like Our Family Already.”

This time, I didn’t recieve a response and soon realized that Kitty was giving soft purrs as she slept peacefully in my arms. Once I reached the hive, I took all three children into my quarters, which had been given to me once Dualscar found out I adopted Silas. As I said, he was a kind master.

As the years went by, my adoptive children grew into strong teenagers. Disciple grew even more beautiful and more kind than I could’ve ever believed while Psionic grew strong and patient as he shot up taller, looking older every day. Silas grew up to be wise and I could tell he would become an amazing leader someday. 

That day came sooner than I could have ever thought and brought with it the end of our lives as we knew them.

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