CH.3 the silhoette

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i run out side as fast as i code i was so excited i, well we had no idea how much this night wood effect the rest of our life.
oona: so what do you want to do fest?
cat: shhhh
oona: o right
kiw: you sheer this is a good idea?
y is she so worried?

oona: ya this will be fun trust me
kiw: (raises eyebrow) umm idk 
cat: come on maybe we well see some thing magical!
oona: ya... maybe (under her breath) i rely hope so we have jest waited so long (grasps neklaces)

flash bake: 4 years old: at the beach:

oona: hay dad look a .... dolphin? 
dad?: i dont think its a dolphin 
(runs to it) 
oona: its gone???
mom?: it bared some thing?
oona. (digs) its a bottle!
dad?: be carefull?! 
oona: it has a neklaces and a note?!
mom: let me read it

dear !#$%^*&^%$#% we hope this got to you safely 
you now what to do.

oona: do what???
mom/dad: not a clue 

end flash bake.

oona: ya
cat? you look scared???

cat:  L L LOOK
we all look and see i shadow no, no a sihoette.
 ???: hello and good luck 

(we all black out)

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