wake up call CH.4

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w-whats going on i think....WAIT A SEC WHAT HAPPENED!
kiw: umm oon/ 
she gave me a stare like i had a tail....
um kiw you have uuu a uuuu....
kiw: um um um you have a uuu..
kiw: you have a tail...
.....WAIT WHAT! 
I looked behind me to see a tail a red and black dinosaur tail. wen most people would panic but i jest sat there. To be honest there were 2 things going throe my head 1 this is cool 2 what am i going to tell my parents.
I then look at kiw and say ya you to....
cat: whats going on?
we have ears and tails now apparently.
kiw:..... what do we do 
kiw cat : WAIT WHAT 
cat: this is ....... cool 
kiw: what do we do o oo oooooo no im in so much trouble.
um so your in trouble for um what do we call this???
kiw; I DnOt KoNw
uuu com down its properly jest uu dream idk
cat: ya cuz that makes sense
its some thing...i gess
kiw: u well i guss this is cool i gess  ya this could be fun.
maby we code go and play at the playground.
the PLAYGROUND what no were going to the mall 
me kiw: what?!

(ya hope you or likeing this ya bye) 

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