Chapter 1

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Mars sat wonderless on the couch well only for an hour until the man-walking fish came in "someones at the door."  Mars let out a sigh and got off the couch and walked up the stairs. She walked into the kitchen and got some water. She walked to the door while her hoofed feet clopped to a rhythm she opened the door and glared at the person standing in the doorway. "What the hell do you want" Mars growled.                                                                                                                "I want to come in," the person said                                                                                                                                "fuck no'' Mars yelled slamming the door only to be caught mars then swung it open and yelled, "Jinx what the hell do you fucking want!"                                                                                                        "I'll explain later just let me in its fucking freezing" Jinx whined. Mars sighed and let him in and closed the door. She looked at the clock while yawning. "So uh wanna watch a movie?" Jinx said blushing a little. "sure" Mars said. while walking up the stairs making thunks on each step with jinx followed behind until they got to the T.V room. " What movie do you want to watch?" Mars said looking at the movie shelves. "Uh, do you got pet cemetery?" jinx said. Mars glanced at him "yeah".  Mars pulled out the movie and put it in the DVD player and sat down with jinx joining her. A little while later mars fell asleep catching jinx attention he just looked at her and picked her up taking her to her room which was down the long hallway. He laid her down and put blankets on her and walked out taking one last look at her and closed the door. Walking to the couch and falling asleep. 

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