Chapter 1

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   I asked out of pure curiosity. I don't know why, but I did. Maybe, to break the awkward silence of finding a fellow classmate in the lounge at 3 AM? Or, maybe it was cause I was sleep deprived. Or, maybe I wanted to know more about her. Either way, you don't ask that type of question to the opposite gender, right?

   "Have you ever fallen in love with someone, Jiro?"

   She looked at me surprised. I mean, who wouldn't after being asked that question?

   Jiro sat on the opposite side of the couch with her knees tucked in her large sweat shirt. She looked at the empty wall in front of us and cocked her head far enough to where it touched her shoulder.

   "'Love,' or 'like'?" She questioned.

   "Is there really a difference?"

   She hummed in response.

   After a few minutes of, yet another, awkward silence, Jiro took her phone from her pocket and looked at the time. She slid her knees out from under her sweat shirt and stood up; twisting her torso to crack her back.

   "I'm heading back to my room to try and get some sleep before school. We've got that test in Math today, remember?"

   "What? I thought it was on Friday?" I asked confused.

   "Well, I'm not for sure, but according to my phone," she started, turning her phone around to I could see the time and date. "It's been Friday for 3 hours and 20 minutes.

   With widened eyes I yelled, concerned, "You telling me, I've thought today was Wednesday this whole time?"

   "Quiet! You'll wake the others!" She hushed me.

   "Oh man! Did I even take notes? Jiro, I've been so tired that I don't even know what the test is on!"

   "Kaminari, wha-"

   "Ah! I've got to go back to my room and see if I have any notes. I'll see you later at breakfast, night!"

   With that, I sprinted up the stairs to my room; not realizing I interrupted her, until I sat on my bed. Honestly, I didn't care if I interrupted her, at this point, there are more important matters to worry about.

   'I can't believe this!' I think to myself, digging through my school bag. 'I wonder if Kirishima took notes? I could ask for them at breakfast. Ah! But then Iida would freak! Man, what do I do?'

   I decide to reach for my phone on the bed side table and start to text my mom:

Hey, mom.
You're awake, right?

I am now.
What's up sweetie?
Having too much fun in the dorms?

I guess you could say that?

I see.
You're having trouble sleeping again?

And I didn't pack the medicine
I didn't think I would need it. :-[

Oh sweetie...
I'll call the school later today to see if I can bring it.

K, thanks mom.

You're welcome
For now, just try to relax.

Actually, could I call you?
I think maybe if you talk to me,
I can relax better.

Of course!
Call me when you're ready! :-)

   I was actually going to talk to my mom about the test, but when she asked if I couldn't sleep, I realized, that my lack of sleep is really messing up my grades. I mean, I finally brought all of my grades up to a D and if I'm not able to have a good night's sleep soon, then my grades WILL drop back to all F's.

   Even so, after sometime of letting my mother talk my ear off (she ALWAYS has something to say), I fell asleep.


   I, sadly, woke up to someone banging and yelling at my door.

   "Kaminari! You're 2 minutes late to breakfast! Are you even awake? You better not be thinking of skipping today! As the class president, it's my duty to make sure everyone shows up to were they need to be on time! Kaminari, open up! Are you even in there!? Kaminari, answer me!"

   'Oh my gosh! Does Iida have a part time job as a fire alarm?' I ask myself, while sitting up and rubbing my tired eyes.

   I shuffle to my closet and gab my tooth brush from a small drawer that also holds my comb and hair gel. Making my way to the door, I yawn and slide past Iida, who almost punched me in the face from opening the door all of a sudden, and slowly got ready for the day.

   My best friend, Kirishima, decided to come up and talk to me, while I got dressed, so I let him in my room and relax on my bed. I mean, we both ARE guys and we see each other, mostly naked, all the time when changing into our hero costumes. Plus, this isn't a boy on boy story, so don't let your mind go there! It's not like I'll be taking my underwear off, besides I showered yesterday, so I don't need to change it. Wait, did I take a shower? Oh well, who cares! It's not like anyone will notice anyways.

   "Hey, man, what's been up with you lately?"

   "What do you mean?" I respond.

   "Well, you seem off..."

   "Do I seem to look tired to you?" I ask, staring at him, before putting my arms through my buttoned up shirt.

   "Now since you mentioned it, yeah! You do look tired! And pretty ugly too, sorry man." He said, cringing.

   "Nah, I understand. Besides, I totally agree! I'm so tired, I actually feel like I'm dying!"

   I then looked at my phone and cursed, realizing, if I didn't hurry, I'd be late to class for sure!

   "I'll go grab you a bagel, and if you're fast enough, I'll do up your tie while we're heading across the street." Kirishima said, getting up and walking towards the door.

   "Thanks man! You're a life saver!"

   I rushed as much as I could while my tired limbs felt like Jell-O and grabbed my bag, but realized, I never asked Kirishima about the math notes!

   "Kill me, please!" I groaned to know one in particular, and rushed out of my room, with my tie stuffed in my back pocket.

A/N: Isn't it ironic how I thought of this story while, I was really tired? Plus, I'm writing it while being tired, too, so it might not make a lot of sense... Let me know! Oh, and are you guys reading this while being tired? Cause if you are, that'd be hilarious!!!

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