Chapter 3

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   "Oh my goodness, child!" Recovery Girl exclaimed as she saw Jiro (purple from wheezing and coughing through fits of laughter) and I walk into her office.

   I slowly helped Jiro relax on one of the beds in the back of the room and waited for the petite nurse to come and help.

   When she was able to catch her breath, Jiro slapped my shoulder and said, "You guys are idiots."

   "Ow," I winced. "How was Sero supposed to know that you would laugh that hard? I mean, come on, it wasn't even that funny!"

   "Yeah, it was!"

   "Oh, right! I forgot you laugh at everything!" I teased.

   "I do not!" She defensively stated.

   "Yeah, you do!"


   "Then why do you always laugh when I go 'yay?'"

   "Cause, you always look stupid!"

   "Excuse me," Recovery Girl cut in. "If you two are done with your little banter, I'd like to check Jiro's pulse."

   "Oh, yes ma'am," Jiro said, placing her arm in front of her so the school nurse can take her pulse.

   I looked at them a bit confused. I mean, Jiro was just having a "laugh attack," so she should be fine, right? 'Whatever girls are SO overdramatic!' i think. 'I'll just let Jiro freak if she wants; unless she tries to drag me into her drama, then I won't stand around and listen to her whiney voice! Huh, have I actually heard her whine before, though?'

   "Kaminari, why don't you be a dear and go grab your friend a cup of water." Recovery Girl said, pulling me from my thoughts.

   "Oh, yeah."

   "I'm curious," Recovery Girl started, as I got up to get Jiro some water. "What was so funny, or not funny, that happened during class? Jiro, you came in with a purple face, I assume from laughing so hard, so what happened?"

   "Oh, uh..." We hesitated to speak, not wanting to get anyone in trouble.

   "Hm? Who's teaching this hour?"

   "Oh, Present Mic is," Jiro replied.

   "Oh, yeah! He made a joke that was really funny. Heh, Jiro couldn't stop laughing!" I said nervously.

   "You mentioned Sero?"

   "Oh? Yes, we did. Uh, well..." I scratched the back of my head trying to think of what to say.

   "Sero was being a 'smart mouth' and asked Present Mic a stupid question. Then, he gave a quick remark that totally shot Sero down and it was hilarious!" Jiro lied, saving both of our butts.

   "Hm, I see." Recovery Girl said.

   I gave the cup to Jiro and she gladly took it, chugging the water down in one gulp!

   "Dang, girl!" I exclaimed.

   Jiro took the cup away from her lips and sighed in satisfaction. I couldn't help but stare at her smooth, wet lips. I want to touch them, but if I did, she would freak!

   "Shut up and get me more!" Jiro replied, holding the small water cup in my face.

   "Ah, fine."

   "Alright, now back to class with you! Hurry up, before the period ends!" Recovery Girl said to me after I gave Jiro more water.

   "Wait, Kaminari, didn't you have to head to the front office?" Jiro asked.

   "Oh, yeah..."

   Recovery Girl sighed and replied, "Then, hurry up and afterward, head straight to class, understood?"

   "Y-yes, ma'am! Understood!" I stuttered.

   With that, I rushed out of the room and headed to the front office.

When you have to go on YouTube and watch "Kaminari and Jiro Moments" videos, to try and remember how they act towards each other..... Hush, I'm very particular about how I write my fanfictions. The characters have to be written very, VERY similar to if the original author was the one to write my story.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter (yeah, it was lame, sorry)! I was told by phantom_gabrielz that, she really likes how it writing Kaminari and "...the concept of not being able to sleep. XD Shows there is more than just his goofy character, and that he has his own problems..."

Thanks, fam and after reading her message, I realized how his "goofy" nature and insomnia (what I placed in) actually was tied together very well......... So glad I spent all those hours trying to fit the explanation of why Kaminari acts the way he does........

Guys... I'm joking... It literally took me 1 minute (not even) to think of the story concept. Plus, I didn't realize that concept, until she pointed it out... But, sure... I'll still take credit!

Me: *10PM; sitting on the couch of a friends house while she's away; dog/cat/house sitting; pissed because the dogs won't stop barking and growling at everything* Jiro seems like the type of girl to have insomnia.... *To the puppies* can you guys shut up, please? *To myself* actually, Kaminari does, too. *Looks at the 3 dogs; grabs phone; writes the first half of the first chapter while the dogs sleep on me*

And you're welcome, that was how the idea of "Finding Love In Tangled Up Headphones" came to be! Actually, most of my story ideas come from me daydreaming... Oh, well!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! See ya!

P.S. When did this A/N turn into a story, itself!?!? Note to self: Never write N/A's while sleep deprived...

I could fix this, but it's too funny... I meant A/N (Author's Note) and not N/A (Not Applicable). Lol, I'm so funny......

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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