Chapter 2

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   "Kaminari, how do you think you did on the test?" Jiro asked at our lunch break.

   "Can we please not talk about that?" I moan, with my forehead on the table and internally cry.

   She chuckled and asked, "Did you figure out if you took notes?"

   I yanked my bag open, pulled out my notebook and showed her the empty pages.

   "Do you think it's possible that I accidentally wrote in disappearing ink?"

   She laughed again, then placed her lunch trey on the table across from me and sat down.

   I thought about last night and how it all started: once again, I was having trouble sleeping. I was finally able to fall asleep, but then, Kouda started to have a coughing fit and woke me up. He's been sick for a few days, so I can't really blame him for waking me, but when he coughed, I can't tell you how tempted I was to electrocute him! I mean, if you had my quirk, you would want to do the same thing too, right? Please, tell me I'm not the only one.

   Anyways, after an hour, I decided to go down in the lounge of class 1-A's dorm building. I thought it was weird how the light was on, but when I turned the corner, I saw Jiro curled up on one side of the couch. I walked over to her and sat on the other side of the couch; not saying a word.

   'I wonder why she was out there,' I think, pulling my backpack up on the table to use it as a pillow. 'I mean, what she had said before I left, implied she couldn't sleep, but was it JUST because she couldn't sleep? I don't know, maybe I'm over thinking this. I guess I COULD ask her.'

   "Kaminari, aren't you going to get something to eat?" She asked me, before I could ask MY question.

   "No, I was actually thinking to use this time to try and sleep." I moaned through my bag.

   "Oh, yeah I guess if you haven't slept in a few days, then sleep is more important than eating, at this point."

   I quietly moaned in response and felt myself start to relax. Surprisingly, her voice is very soothing; more so than my mom's.

   'Maybe, I can ask her another time. There will be plenty of other chances to ask her, right? Yeah, I'll do it later.' I think, until I was able to dose off completely.


   "Alright! Let's get this class started!" Present Mic yells, as he comes sliding into the classroom.

   'Gah! Why must he be our English teacher? I can hardly understand a word he says!' I think, but then feel a sharp pain run through my head, so I put my fingers to my temples. 'Great, and now I'm getting a headache!'

   "Yooooo! Today, I've decided to give y'all a coooool assignment!" He shouts, pointing at us as if he's a gangster, or something.

   He turns towards the chalk board and scribbles with the chalk screaming against the board.

   Sero leans towards me from across the aisle and whispers, "Wow, not even the chalk can take Present Mic's enthusiasm!"

   I cover my mouth to suppress my laughter and notice Jiro does the same thing. She sits in front of Sero and to my left, so I'm sure she heard his comment, too. Her face starts to turn red with eyes filling up with tears! I look at her with a goofy smile, but also with a worried expression.

   'Oh gosh! Is she ok?'

   She turns her head and waves at me, letting me know she'll be fine. I'm not fully convinced, though. I just hope she doesn't let her laughter slip and get the three of us in trouble; I'm not allowed to sleep in detention. Then again, Jiro can rarely hold her laughter in for so long, so the three of us are doomed to hell.

   I looked at Sero, who had a matching, worried expression on his face, and try to ask him for help, but he just shrugs in disbelief. I then turned to Kirishima, who sits behind me, but he gives me a look of 'What did you guys do to her?'

   Ashido, who sits to my right, pokes me in the arm and asks, "What the crap is happening?"

   "Why are you asking me? Sero is the one that started this!" I yelled in a whisper.

   "She looks like she's about to die." Ojiro says concerned, turning around and joins the conversation.

   "All of you! Turn around this instant! As the class rep, I won't let this chattering continue, while class is in session!" Iida scolds us, from the back of the room.

   We all turn around (except for Jiro, who is probably going to faint any minute if she doesn't stop laughing) and watch as Present Mic throws the chalk on the desk to continue his lesson. As he was about to open his mouth, the classroom phone rings and he goes to answer it.

   After a few words being exchanged he turns around and shouts, "Denki Kaminari!!! Youuuu are to report to the office immediately!"

   I tense up and think, 'What did I do?  I mean, I don't think I did anything wrong, but I'm still really exhausted from the lack of sleep, so I don't remember much! Yeah, I did take a great nap at lunch, but 1 hour isn't going to bring back all the hours I've lost from the two weeks of living in the dorms! Aw, crap!!! Do they know about my stash of bikini magazines? I could have sworn I hid them well! Maybe I should start hiding them in my closet and not under my mattress.'

   As I hesitate to stand, Ashido quickly stands and says, "I think Jiro is choking and should go see Recovery Girl!"

   "Oooook! Then Kaminari can take her there before he goes to the front office!" Present Mic responds.

   Oh, thank goodness! Ashido is a life saver! As I turned to thank her, she gave me a cold expression that said, 'She better not die!'

   'Man, I thought women were supposed to be cute and nice and do whatever us men tell them to do!' I think, as I steady Jiro on her feet and walk her to the door. 'Aren't they supposed to say, 'Yes master, I'll make you a sandwich.' Or, 'Yes, my love, I'll put this revealing bikini on JUST for you. Gah! Why must all the girls in our class be a pain!'

Hey guys! First, I just want to say that I know the last paragraph is offensive, BUT I'm a girl so I feel justified to write it. Oh, and I made it offensive on purpose, because I'm trying to make all of the characters how they are in the series. I hope you guys are enjoying this book and hopefully, this all makes sense! Thanks, love y'all!

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