Episode II

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"My husband used to tell me I have an overactive imagination.. I can't help it..
I mean, haven't you ever been on a train and wondered about the lives that other people are living on the terrace? The lives you've never lived?!!
These are things I want to know..

Twice a day I think about my perfect house..

I dunno when exactly, I suppose I started noticing her about a year ago. And gradually when the months has passed, she became important to me!

I'm not the girl I used to be.. I think people can see it on my face!
She is what I lost, everything I want to be!

I imagine she is a painter, she is great.
He is a doctor or an artichect.
He is a good love..

I wonder what they say to each other before they go to sleep..
Her name depends on my mood. The truth is I dunno her name!
I dunno if she paints or if he has a good laugh.

I JUST KNOW they know LOVE!

Sometimes I catch myself trying to remember the last time I had a meaningful contact with another person!

Every day I tell myself NOT TO LOOK, but then I LOOK!"

(The girl on the train)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2018 ⏰

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