Seme and Uke (Part One)

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This was requested by @Yaoi-Lover Thanks! And I hope you like it!

Naruto was in the Hokage's office, not to request or report a mission but instead, he was the Hokage. The Seventh Hokage. His dream had finally come true and to add up to that he had brought back Sasuke Uchiha who is an ANBU and his boy friend.

Naruto was in his office checking some paper work, the sun was already starting to set and Naruto was getting exhausted, He didn't know being Hokage can be this hard. Letting out a sigh he read another scroll from a certain village they just helped. It was a Thank you letter which he really didn't want to reply to. He started putting it away until Shikamaru cleared his throat.

"Lord Hokage, you need to reply back to the village" Shikamaru who was standing next to Naruto's desk. 

"Why?" Naruto asked in an annoyed tone. "It's just a thank you letter, we helped them they send it and we don't need to reply"

Shikamaru didn't want to do this and sighed. "You're the Hokage, it's important to reply, besides it'll get them happy and might help us when we're in need" The man is like his baby sitter, always telling him what to do and what not to.

Naruto sighed and took the scroll back writing a quick note back to them, he wondered what Sasuke was doing right now, he was sent on an ANBU mission for two weeks and hasn't come back yet, but that doesn't get Naruto worried.

He does miss him and want him back. But then again every time Sasuke comes back from an ANBU mission he always have to have his fun at night. After Naruto had finished doing the letter he sent a bird to take a to the village. 

Sighing he slumped back into his chair and groaned, "I want to go home"

"Not until you're done with all your work" Shikamaru said sighing.

"I don't want to! It's too much!" Naruto complained looking at the stacked papers and scrolls. 

"And you skipped your work yesterday for ramen, now do it. Besides Sasuke might come any second any time. So you don't want him back with your work piled up" Shikamaru said quietly muttering the last parts.

Naruto understood what he meant in the end and glared blushing. "Shikamaru shut up!" He shouted at him before turning back to finishing his work.

Shikamaru let out another sigh. "Well I'll leave the rest for you, I gotta go" He said staring to walk to the door.

"What? Shikamaru no! Don't leave me here I need help!" Naruto shouted, he usually had Shikamaru there to help him when he had so much paper work.

"I have to go help the council, I'm sure you'll be able to take care of the rest" Shikamaru said opening the door and going out."I'll see you tomorrow lord Hokage"

And with that Shikamaru left, Naruto sighed and went back to doing his work, it had gotten so dark and so fast. He hated these moments the most. When no body's there with  him, it's dark and he's alone. He had wished Sasuke was there.

Standing up he skipped his work and went to the window behind him and looked out, this was one of the best views to the leaf, the lights were lighting up the village with different colors, some bystanders walking by with happy faces, he knew he should finish his work but wasn't in the mood right now.

Staring out the window for a few minutes he let out a small sigh, he blinked and saw a shadow behind him, 'Someone comes in without permission, probably a rouge!' Naruto thought glaring at the shadow before turning and throwing a punch to whatever was there.

What he didn't realize is what he tried to punch was something familiar, it had caught his fist. Naruto wondered who this was that could take his punch until he noticed something, he noticed those same onyx eyes and realized it was Sasuke, even though it was dark he knew that he was the person he was waiting for. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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