|Chapter 1 - Just Keep Running -|

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Madeline's POV

Tonight was the night, tonight my sister, Adeline and I run away from this unforgiving place. Its been five years of constant verbal abuse and we're finally done, we're finally leaving. I laid on my bed facing Addy's top bunk. I reached my hand up and knocked three times on her bunk. 

"Hey Adds?" I question wondering if she was even awake.

"I'm up Mad, five more minutes" She whispered back to me and you could hear the smile in her voice. 

"Do you think we'll get Kendrick before someone catches us?" I ask her, to be honest I was scared, I knew we could easily runaway, but I didn't know if we'd be able to get our baby brother, Kendrick before someone saw us.

"No matter what, we're all getting out of her tonight, come on it's 4:13 AM we have 2 minutes left." She said and jumped down from her bunk carefully.

"Okay, plan let's get out of this hell hole in action" I smiled at her as I got up out of my bunk and grabbed the backpack. In Adeline's backpack we had pack food and water in mine we had clothes and some money we had saved up.

After we had everything ready we waited by the door for 4:15 AM, we knew that the head master of the orphanage was always passed out by 4:15.

When Adeline nodded at me I knew that it was go time, I creaked open our bedroom door and stuck my head out, I gave Adeline one last glance before I started down the hallway to Kendrick's room. I looked around before opening the door. Kendrick was the only two year old so he didn't share a room.

I kept watch by the door while Addy got Kendrick. Once she had him settled we nodded at each other before starting down the stairs. I poked my head down the stairs and sighed a sigh of relief when I saw  Ms. Poopsbottom passed out on the couch with a bottle of vodka in her hand.

I motioned to Adeline that it was all clear and we went around back to the side door. We smiled at each other and pushed the door open. The cold winter air hit my face but I didn't care this was our freedom. We stepped out and giggled at each other before we tightened our hold on our bags and on Kendrick before we started running.

Just keep running.

Just keep running .

Just keep running.

Just keep running.

Just keep running.

That was the only thought running through our heads, we finally stopped at a park and decided that we'd stop and take a break before we continued. We walked in areas where we knew there were cameras and where not as many people got mugged.

We sat down on a park bench and breathed deeply.

"We did it" I spoke breathlessly with a grin on my face.

"We did" Addy looked down at Kendrick."We did it"

We put Kendrick on the bench with his head on my shoulder, we didn't say anything and just sat lost in our thoughts. Before we knew it 5:45 AM came and we decided to start moving again, just as Kendrick woke up.

"MadMad" He called giving me grabby hands, I lifted him up into my arms.

"Hey Kenny" I smiled at the small boy, we were all pretty small for our age but not too unhealthily small, just a little bit on the short and skinny side.

"Okay what do you say we go on a walk, we really don't have anything else to do?" Adeline suggested and I nodded in agreement.

I placed down Kendrick and grabbed his hand and Adeline grabbed his other. We started walking round the park until we made it to a small market. As we were walking we heard an familiar yell.


We knew that voice anywhere, I looked behind us to see the headmaster of the orphanage. I picked up Kendrick who was shaking with fear and nodded at Adeline. We took off running in the other direction.


We both looked back for a second before we bumped into someone. I held onto Kendrick tighter as I looked up, we had bumped into Vincent Knight, the biggest, badest CEO in the city no, country no, world!

So there we were, sat looking at him with wide fearful eyes, we were less scared of him then we were of Mrs. Poopsbottom, who we could still hear in the distance. Without meaning to we both scooted toward him and away from her yelling.

Kendrick was silently crying into my shoulder as I hugged him close to my chest, he didn't deserve a life like this, we would never wish this life upon our worst enemy...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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