Part 5

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Meanwhile, just about an hour away, two best friends in their first year of college were in their dorm room. Their room was decorated with posters from all their favorite rock bands on one side of the wall - that made the distinction it was Aiden's side of the room. Chris's wall was decorated with his favorite country music singers. The best friends could not have been more opposite in music tastes. However, the glue that held them together was their longtime friendship since elementary school.

"Man, would you turn that crap off! I am trying to sleep here, and I can't do it with you blaring your music!" Chris sat up and smiled as he threw his pillow at Aiden who had his music turned up as he sang and jammed out packing up his bags.

"Okay, yes I know. I am just having a hard time winding down is all. I am a little homesick and can't wait to get home. Why don't you come along?" Aiden asked as he laughed and tossed the pillow back at Chris's head.

"I can't this trip, I have to work, and there isn't any way out of it." Chris paused and lost his smile. "I wish I could go. You and I have some fishing to catch up on. On the other hand, I thought you and Amy might like some alone time together?" Chris was lying in his bed staring at the ceiling.

"I doubt she is coming home this weekend from her school. The drive is further for her, and I got a message from her saying she had to work. So, it looks like I am going to go solo." Aiden was clearly disappointed at not having his best friend go along. Aiden got in bed and continued to talk to Chris in their dark dorm room. "With the holidays getting closer, we all will get to go back home soon together and have some fun. Get some sleep I will see you in the morning, buddy." Aiden turned over and fluffed his pillow. He then lay there a moment with a coy smile to himself. He sat up, reached down on the floor where he placed his extra pillow and picked it up. "I am going to hold this against you not coming with me." Aiden laughed as he threw a pillow back at Chris.

Chris's back was turned to Aiden as he lay facing the wall. "Yeah, I know. I'm always in trouble with someone," he replied with a hint of humor in his voice.

The pair may have felt as though they were alone laying in their beds as they drifted off to sleep, but not too far away outside the dorm was Aiden's father and fallen, Talon, alongside Luna.

"I always liked watching him sleep. He always seems so peaceful. That seems to be about the only time I feel it is safe to be close to him. It's been a little lonely with all of you gone. Meridian does not seem to be able to remember much from what I can tell, except she is still looking for Aiden. Tallulah has tried to do readings on her several times without much success," Talon explained to Luna as the pair moved away from the dorm.

"How do you always know how to find us or them?" Luna asked.

"I get a feeling and a vision, a lot like it was when I was a guide, knowing something without being able to explain. I guess similar to a human with psychic abilities. Have you ever heard a psychic be able to explain exactly how they know things?" Talon rhetorically asked the inquisitive fairy.

The pair only had to make it across the campus to where Meridian and her new group of friends were. Apparently, the boys she left with, by coincidence, went to the same school as Aiden. There was a party going at one of the dorms. The group was laughing as they made their way inside with Relic close behind.

"Well, it looks like she is getting cozy now, doesn't she?" Talon wised off to Relic.

"Please, this won't last long, he isn't her type," boasted Relic.

"As though you are?" Talon snickered as he poked at the boisterous guide.

"Ah, yes. I mean look at him. He is just a baby." Relic's jealousy was something new to him, and he was not doing a good job of hiding it.

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