chapter 19

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Aunt ma'u shook her calling her name "bilqeesu bilqeesu!!! She carefully placed her  head on the floor and rushed to get water from an ablution kettle.

As she sprinkled the water, bilqees heaved a sigh. "Alhamdulillah" she sighed waiting for her to open her eyes.

"Hey! Hey you" the witch expeller directed at aunt Ma'u, whose attention was totally on bilqees.

"Who are you and  what do you think you're doing, you're messing with our work!!" The witch expeller roared, now gaining aunt Ma'u's attention.

Aunt Ma'u whose eyes were stained with tears slowly rose to her feet wiping her eyes as her expression suddenly became dangerous as she turned around to face the witch expeller and the whole family .

Driven by anger she roared as she charged at the witch expeller, pushing her to the ground with one blow. Her eyes showed no remorse or mercy as she looked around like a maniac daring anyone to make a move.

"Ma'u" chief spoke. "What sort of madness is this, how can you come into my house and act like this."

Bilqees slowly opened her eyes with new set of tears falling non stop.

"Madness!! Urrrrggghh" she thundered unable to contain the anger in her. "You think this is madness then you've not seen anything, I'll show you what madness is you wretched good for nothing" she growled, heaving as she walked towards him.
"you have been blinded by your useless desire that you shamelessly take this small child who's young enough to be your granddaughter for a wife, aren't you ashamed of yourself. Isn't that madness!" She roared.

"You're too stupid to see that it's you who need deliverance, but who bloody cares." She stopped in front of him.

"She's a witch" he growled getting angry.

She laughed dryly in mockery before turning dead serious "a witch indeed, then why don't you divorce her!! Is it by force!!" She clasped her hands on her chest.

"Ma'u, you shouldn't disrespect a man like that" umma spoke, her voice surprisingly cool.

Ma'u sharply turned towards her "don't get me started with you hypocrite. Everyone in this town knows your game. You can't fool me with this teeny tiny voice you're using."

"Ma'u how can you say such..." She choked on her words as Ma'u started tying her veil to her waist getting herself ready for a combat.

"If you mention my name again, I'll make sure you taste your blood." Her expression daring.

"I won't divorce her, not after I've come this far. I'll like to see you force me" he grinned.

The sound of Bilqees's cough brought her back. She ran to her grabbing her into her arms.

"I'm sorry my love, I'm sorry. This is all over now."

Bilqees didn't say a word as her scarf was tied on her head and she was raised to her feet. They headed for the gate.

"Where do you think you're taking her to, you can't take her anywhere." the chief bellowed.

"I'll like to see you stop me" she raised her brow challengingly.

The house became as quiet as a graveyard as she stepped out with everyone grooming different thoughts.


Since they left the house, bilqees didn't utter a word. Her eyes dried up as she followed aunt Ma'u hand in hand.

Tanimu who was seated outside the gate watched them walk towards the house and her suddenly went to open the gate. He knew all was not well. And soon enough he'll find out.

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