Three: Eating

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After Izumo was done teasing me for smiling, I sat down at the bar as he prepared breakfast. 

The bar was pretty much empty except for me, Izumo and Mikoto. 

"Now young lady, I don't want you skipping out on breakfast this time, I saw you throw it in the bin yesterday, and you're not getting away with it today, alright?" Izumo says sternly as he places the plate in front of me. We have a stare-off for a couple seconds before he walks back into the kitchen to do who-knows-what. 

I stared at the plate, thinking.

A few moments later I could see Mikoto stand up and walk over out of the corner of my eye. 

I look up at him to see him pick up the fork by my plate and get a piece of food on it, he lifts it up to my mouth. 

I raise an eyebrow at him, slightly blushing. 

"Eat." he commanded, looking me in the eye, his face showing no emotion. 

"But King-" as soon as I called him that again, he gave me a stern look. I ate the food off the fork without another word, blushing deeper. 

Izumo walked in from the kitchen. At first his faced showed surprise, then he smirked. I looked away, my cheeks darkening even more. 

Mikoto picked up another forkful, raising it to my face once again. 

I looked him in the eyes. "I can eat by myself," I mumble, looking away again. 

He grunted, raising the fork to me once again, smirking this time. 

As we stood there looking each other in the eyes, he grunted again, setting down the fork on the plate, and sitting down next to me.  

I looked over at him. "Thank you." I mumbled, picking up the fork and eating slowly. 

After I'd thanked him, he wrapped his arms around my waist, setting his chin on my shoulder.

"Ah!" I squeaked in surprise. 

I blushed a little, rolling my eyes I continued to eat. 

Izumo started to clean his glasses as usual, pretending that this was any normal day. 

After I finished my plate, Izumo took it with a smile, walking back into the kitchen to probably wash the dish. 

I turned to Mikoto, finding the King sleeping on my shoulder with his arms loosely around my waist. I giggled lightly, waking him unintentionally. 

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I mumbled. He smiled lightly, standing and picking me up bridal style in his arms, leading me over to the couch, he laid down, placing me in front of him, he wrapped his arms around my waist, snuggling his chin into my neck. 

I giggled a little, relaxing, I drift off into a nap. 

I wake up to a lot of very loud laughter. I snuggle my nose into a warm chest, wrapping my arms around the person's neck. 

"Awww, you two are cute together~" someone said in a teasing voice. 

"Come on guys, stop being a bunch of pricks, you guys know Y/N hasn't been out much in a while, much less showing emotion with anyone. I doubt any of you would ever be able to get her show that much emotion!" someone scolded. 

"Ooh! Is that a challenge, Izumo?" someone else asked. 

"No, and you know it isn't!" they scolded once more. 

"Awwww, come on! I'm just tryna' have a little fun!" they joked. 

"Well you shouldn't joke like that about her, you know how she is!" they scolded once more. 

"Stop talking about her like she isn't in the room." the chest I was laying on vibrated as they spoke, scolding the other two. I hummed into their chest, drifting back off into another nap. 

I awoke once more to see a firm chest in front of me once again. I didn't remember going to sleep facing him...

I looked up to make eye contact with Mikoto, as he smiled down at me. 

"You wanna go out to the park before they lock the place up in a couple of hours?" he asked, pulling me closer. 

"Mmm, sure," I hummed, nuzzling my face into his chest. "In a few mintues." 

He chuckled and I could feel his chest moving. "Come on," he said, sitting up and helping me up into a sitting position. 

"Go get your hoodie and get some shoes on, and we'll go," he ordered, letting go of me, he stood up, getting on his own shoes. 

I realized I hadn't been wearing my hoodie all day and that HOMRA might've noticed my scars. I guess Mikoto could see the panic on my face, and quickly reassured me, saying, "They didn't see, don't worry."

I smiled at him, standing to go grab my hoodie and shoes. 

I came down the stairs, hearing Mikoto and Izumo speaking. 

"You have to tell her some time." 

"I don't have to do anything." 

"You should tell her." 

"I can't." 

"Can't or won't?"


My feet hit the bottom of the staircase rather loudly, alerting the boys of my arrival. 

After seeing the look on their faces, I told them, shaking my head, "I won't ask."

I walked over to Mikoto with my hands in my hoodie pocket, "Shall we head out?" I ask him, looking up into his eyes. 

He nodded, and held his hand out. I looked up into his eyes again, confused. 

I slowly pulled a hand out of my hoodie pocket and placed it into his, as he intertwined out finger, holding my hand, he led me out of the bar. 

After walking for a little while, as we near the park, Mikoto turns and asks me- to which I did not expect- "What am I to you?"

Three: Eating again

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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