about me

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above is a video i reposted of me a few yrs ago

and fuck its me

Name: Aja Jean Claudius

Age: 17

Birthday:  April 8th 2001

Favourite colour: Black

Favourite TV series: Rick And Morty (yes i am an intellectual)

Favourite Book: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Favourite sport: Netball

Favourite song: Nico And The Niners

Favourite Food: Happy Hippos

Favourite animal: Cat

Friends: Erika, Hamster, darcy and Josh.

Crush: Josh Dun

Favourite thing to do: wattpad or tumblr.

Something i love: Twenty One Pilots

Something i hate: HEY GUYS WELCOME TO THE LoganannGgG

What I want to be when i grow up: a detective

Wish: To be Tyler Jospeh so i can divorce jenna and marry josh i mean wot aohdsjadsadjmlksakj sorry gotta ryan ross

Favourite thing to do with mam: uhm nothing lmao

Height: 6'0

Weight: 72lbs

hey i can rap levitate

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