Top 10 Top songs (for me)

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Ey i thought id inform some peeps about my favourite twentyonepilots songs so here we go

10: Semi Automatic- I just like this, the lyrics are cool and the beat sounds like what you hear while your ascending to heaven tbh

9: Cancer (Cover)- Ik this is MCR but when Gerard (aka GEEsUS) Is singing it it sounds like he's still fighting.  But tyler sounds like he's simply gave up.d e e p

8: Nico And The Niners- How determined tyler is and ThE HANdsHaKEKEKEK

7:Guns For Hands- Do i have to explain?

6: Trapdoor-  Its very deep and it makes me much sad.

5: Doubt- Yep much good beat and its very different

4: Car Radio- Would you be a fan if you didnt adore this tbh

3: Implicit Demand For Proof- One of the first songs i heard when i was young. Didn't think much of it until Vessel came out. then i got addicted to twentyonepilots

2:Isle Of Flightless Birds- Very noice i mean seriously i am very proud of this song.

1: Goner- very attached to this song.  lyrically and vocally its beautiful.

dont let me be gone

dont let me be gone


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