Trench Review

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*clap* trench *clap* review

happy spooktober, duids.

short update on me: im good, i thinkk . going as a harlequin for halloween, shook.Will not be updating what should i do, josh? for a good week or so ;-;

so LetS GO

1. My Blood: Good beat, ive heard this on the radio like 5 times now. Music video is not gay, duids. FOREST FICCCCC

2. Jumpsuit: S H O O K  i love the screaming, made my heart so happy, defnitely my fave off trench

3. Nico And the Niners: (a/n my opa calls this nino and the nine lives bc we have a cat called nino,, kill me) I love this, shook to the core, weave on world tour. OMFG IT RYHMES-

4. Chlorine: Actually , Tyler, chlorine in its purest form is yEllOw. Also, Chlorine in its purest form is gas, so he would have to ... vApE iT???? Yeah, great song. One of my faves, buT (there is not but, it is the best)

5. Morph: Omfg, the synth ( I think it is) is so good, i fall asleep to this , and the JosH DuN bit got me thinking the judge flashbacks-

6. Pet Cheetah: Jason Statham's weave wasn't there before, but now it defnitely isn't. I love the last 40 seconds. like 'pet cheetah pet cheetah pet cheetah' sounds much good.

7. Cut My Lip: this song represents how i threw my glass down so hard when i got the notif for trench ,i cut my lip. nah, very good.

8.Bandito: Put youur hand on your heart for the cliques anthem, lmao. Very noice.

9. Legend: Oh, I was so sad listening to this, i loved robert and i didnt even meet him . Poor Ty. and rip robert <3

10: Leave The City: Is this song just about fire? Jk, jk. It's lyrically nice. and vocally.

11. The Hype: Sounds like an oasis song i'd listen to when i was 10 and obsessed with oasis, lmao. Not a bad thing though.

12. Smithereens: shouldnt this be called Willsmithereens? Nah, thanks jenna for existing

13: Neon Gravestones: Oh, i cried. Didnt everyone? I absoloutely loved this.


a/n I thought this would be a good time to talk about whats going on in my life! So, i recently finished my embroidering course an i am helping my mother with her business, im also the acTUAl accountant and website maker, so i get 1/2 the profits, which is cool. I'm taking a music course in college, i can currently play guitar, ukulele, drums and piano. I am pretty depressed rn, but its not that important.I hope if   @RebelliousDragon sees this, he knows how much he means to me. Im not going to be updating what should i do,josh? for a while cuz i havent got any ideas. Imma do some shoutouts:






(@oldmcdonaldhadanub  doesn't deserve a space here)

hope you like my page, i have many reasons to delete this fUcKinG gAY shITtTt.


love y'all, A xx

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