First look at the baby

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Sarah and Mark was happy and scared. They were happy to have a kid but they were scared to have a kid at the same time. Sarah was told it would be hard for her to get pregnant but it happen. She already had a dr that she was going to see. They were waiting to see the dr and they were talking about what they wanted it to be. Sarah's name was called out and she got up and went to the room. She answer the Nurse then the Nurse told her the room. They all went to the room and Sarah had to take her pants off. She got on the table and they waited for the dr. 20 mins later the dr came in and told Sarah that they were going to see their little one for the first time. He stuck something up her and then he turned the Monitor on and Mark and Sarah saw their baby they all said he looked like a peanut. That was the babies little nick name. They were all so happy and they all was so glad to see the baby for the first time. She was only 2 months in the pregnancy. Sarah couldn't wait to tell John that he was going to be a uncle. They were all so happy. She started to look for something to send to John.

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