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indecisiveness is probably one of my greatest downfalls. i can never make up my mind, never ever settle for one thing. usually applies to things i don't need a straight answer for like what i want for lunch or what in god's name i'm gonna do with my life after college. i know the important things like what i would do if my parents fell ill and needed me and i know that i love and adore my boyfriend more than anything in this world but being indecisive has equally stopped me from living a good life. i think too hard, over every single scenario that could come of a situation and then i either procrastinate or i fuck up my decision based on being under pressure or short of time. i only ever followed my heart once, i didn't think about all the possibilities and i never do when it comes to men and i actually found the perfect person god had waiting for me by not giving a fuck like how i usually do. sometimes you've got to let it go and not think too far into the future. stay woke though, don't sleep on thinking it's important but don't let it rule your entirety either.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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