Chapter 4 - Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

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Hi guys! Okay I am so sorry for the wait for this chapter. I was working on important school assignments. I officially finished year 10 a few weeks ago!! So I just finished doing exams/studying and what not, so hopefully I'll be able to update more regularly (don't count on it aha :/ ) This is more of a filler chapter by the way, I want to sit down on a day where I'm excruciatingly bored and plan a few my chapters ahead. After this chapter, there should be more interaction between Jace and Sky.

I'm passionate about film editing mostly so I've been using Wattpad as an advantage and been editing trailers for people, rather than updating my stories. So if you're interested in a trailer, PM me! My trailer is attached on the right-hand side :) I'll shut up now aha.

Chapter 4 - Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

It was the end of the first day of the new term when I decided I should drop by the chemist to get the laxatives for the moron who is my brother's best friend. The chemist was conveniently a walking distance to my house. They say revenge is a dish best served cold, meaning it's best to get revenge when the victim least expects it and when you don't feel as angry.

I didn't really feel as angry then, and Jace didn't seem to expect it. It was however going to be a hilarious turn out. I came out of the chemist with a wide, cheeky smile plastered on my face. I thought it wouldn't be very hard to slip laxatives in his food or drink. I walked out out of the chemist doors and began my walk home, the small smile I had on my face barely going away.

I walked into my house and saw Mark tapping away frantically on his laptop on the kitchen bench.

"Where's Jace?" I asked curiously. Mostly because I was eager to let Jace digest the diarrhoea-causing tablets.

"He's at home. You know...'cause he has his own home that he goes to every day to eat and sleep in?" Mark deadpanned.

"Alright smart-ass. I was just wondering since he practically lives here."

"Yeah well, I'm not surprised. His house is so small it feels like being in some sort of cage," Mark stated in a matter of fact tone.

"A cage? Mark, animals like Jace must be kept in a confined environment. So in this case, we should direct him to the closest zoo," I stated as I opened the cupboard to grab a packet of chips.

"Oh you're so funny Sky, have you ever considered a career in stand up comedy?" Mark asked me sarcastically.

"But of course."

I went into the bathroom to take my contacts out and slip my glasses back on, then threw my hair into a messy bun. I then grabbed a book from the shelf beside my desk and lay down on my bed with my packet of chips next to me. After about half an hour, I couldn't focus on the plot I was reading as my possible plan kept entering my mind. As I lay on my bed, I made the decision that I would slip them in his drink when he wasn't looking. There weren't many ways way I could do it anyway.

At that moment, I began hearing Mark and Jace's voices in the family room. I smiled to myself, placed a book mark on the page I was on and dashed over to my school bag that I put the laxative sachet in. I took the sachet out my school bag and slipped it into my back pocket of my jeans, then walked into the kitchen. Mark and Jace had just walked in and sat on the kitchen bench. Mark sat back down at his laptop, continuing his tapping away on the keyboard and Jace was ranting to him about something his P.E teacher had said to him that day.

I made myself look busy and started on a few of the dishes sitting in the sink.

"I mean seriously! I rocked up late two minutes to class. Two minutes after the bell had gone, and Mr Dawson made me run five laps around the school oval and do fifty push ups!" Jace exclaimed as he got a glass out of the cupboard, filled it up with coke and took a sip.

It was the perfect opportunity to make my move. Jace turned to Mark to continue his rant.

"That's ridiculous man, five laps? That oval's massive!" Mark stated as he typed away.

I quickly grabbed the teaspoon I had just washed and dried then collected two scoopfuls of the sachet. It read on the back that a required dosage for people aged 12-21 was two teaspoons. As fast as I could, I poured the teaspoons of the laxatives into his glass of coke and quietly stirred the drink. Luckily since Mark was facing me, he was too busy focusing on the screen of his laptop rather than me basically spiking his best friend's drink. I'm not a horrible person. Jace had done worse things to me before, and I believed the laxatives shouldn't have too much effect.

Jace turned around to grab his drink then walked around the kitchen bench to sit on the stool beside Mark. I decided I wanted to stay close by so I went into the family room and watched a little bit of TV while the laxatives took effect.

A few hours later, I heard a loud groan and glass shatter on the ground. I looked behind me and the sight before me was definitely a satisying one. Jace was literally sprinting to the bathroom, cluthing his stomach. He couldn't even keep his posture straight while he ran. I burst out laughing and Mark jogged after him, but stopped short when he noticed me laughing.

"What the hell are you laughing at? He's about to blow!" Mark exclaimed.

His comment made me laugh even harder and I rushed over to the toilet door.

"Aw what's the matter, Jace?" I asked him with a fake sympathetic tone.

"Seriously Sky, get Mark. Now!" Jace shouted. After he shouted I heard the most unpleasant sounds you could ever possible imagine coming from sitting on a toilet.

"You heard him Mark," I backed away from the door with a grin.

Mark hesitantly walked up to the door. "Dude, what did you eat?"

"Shut up Mark! You've run out of toilet paper, can you just quickly go find some? It's like Niagara Falls in here!"

We both broke into laughter then went into the laundry cupboard to get a few more rolls of toilet paper. Mark walked up to the toilet door and knocked.

"Here Jace, here's your dunny rolls," he smirked. Jace opened the door creating a small opening for Mark to pass the toilet paper to him.

After about an hour, Mark, my dad and I were sitting at the table having dinner. Dad was a little concerned that Jace was in there for that long but he just ignored it and continued eating his dinner. We heard a creak of a door opening and our attention drew to the bathroom, where Jace was slowly walking out with a clear red tinge to his face.

"Hey man, feeling better?" Mark questioned however you could hear the slightest shake in his voice as he tried to hold his laughter in.

"Yeah much better," Jace sighed and rubbed his face.

"Probably don't wanna eat anything after that then," Mark stated and gestured towards the dinner we were eating.

"Yeah, I mean it's a shame that you don't really look well enough to enjoy these wonderful, delectable Porterhouse Steaks I just cooked," I teased while I leaned back in my chair satisfied, playing with a segment of my hair.

Revenge is sweet. Especially with the look on his face when he saw the food on the table.

He walked over to the sink to get a glass of water with a glum face and I followed him with my plate in hand.

I put the best sly smile possible on my face and walked closer to him, "Karma's a b*tch isn't it? Yet again, so is revenge."

Jace then spoke the one of most overrused lines in a devised plan. "You did this?"

He then broke into his trademark smirk, "well played Sky. How about we call a truce?"

"Alright then, truce."


As always guys, thanks for reading! Please comment and vote. Tell me what your thoughts are on the characters so far. I'm interested to know :) Sorry that it's kind of a short chapter, I'll try and make it longer next time. Other than that, hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!!

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