Chapter 11/4

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Bang Chan was happy. Extremely happy. So happy that Woojin couldn't even get his eyes off of him for a mere second. He didn't know why he was so happy but, Chan was radiant. His smile was so big and bright that Woojin was feeling like it was a sunny day of Spring instead of pure winter.

After Chan had hugged him like his life depended on that and basically killed every working neuron in Woojin's brain, he had let him go and smiled at him with such a big smile that Woojin melted even more. And the fact that for some reason, the curly haired boy was extremely red, was just deadly cute. In a span of like 10 minutes, Woojin felt like he had been killed over a thousand times. And he definitely was not complaining at all.

However, the now denominated love of his life was euphorically smiley and beaming, without an apparent explanation. At least not for Woojin. But whatever was it, it was okay because seeing Chan smile like that was everything for him. And by the end of the morning classes, Woojin was completely sure that he hadn't paid attention to at least an 80% of all the lessons. Minho and Chan would have to help him study later on. It was partly Chan's fault for being such a sunshine too.

They were walking through the hallways as usually and Chan was basically walking like a penguin with a bright smile on his face. Woojin couldn't resist the impulse of pulling Chan into a weird side hug. And big was his surprise when Chan just laughed, smiled again, and then rounded Woojin's waist with both arms. This was a really uncomfortable way of walking, but it was funny and they probably looked like they were drunk. But who cared? They were seniors and only a few weeks from graduating. They gave a damn fuck about people glancing weirdly at them.

"Why are you so happy?" Woojin asked, with a smile on his face.

Chan shrugged, smiling. Woojin laughed. What about you? Chan asked, moving his lips and Woojin got it on the first try, proud of himself as he had improved a lot at reading lips.

"Me? I'm normal," Woojin said, and Chan looked at him raising an eyebrow. "What? The only one that is bubbly and happy here is you. I'm only happy because  you seem to be enjoying something I ignore."

And Chan blushed and looked away, causing Woojin to try and think if he had said anything wrong. But to him, nothing really sounded bad in his head. And Chan hadn't separated from him, which meant that probably he hadn't said anything wrong.

"Hey," Woojin called and rested his free hand on Chan's cheek. "Is everything okay?"

Chan faced him and the blush on his cheeks intensified, Everything is better than okay, he answered him.

Woojin smiled softly, "Then I'll believe you," he said and ruffled Chan's hair.

Woojin was living. He was really in heaven now. Because although he and Chan were probably best friends at the moment, they didn't use to have a lot of skin-ship between them. But Woojin loved hugs and everything that came with them, and Chan suddenly becoming clingy, was just amazing. And he was glad that whatever seemed to be bothering his mind when he arrived at school, was apparently gone now.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, Felix, Changbin, and Seungmin were already sitting at their everyday table. They were having a random conversation that Woojin wasn't really caring about, not when he had Chan with his arms wrapped around him.

"Oh!" Felix exclaimed when he saw Chan and Woojin walking towards them while hugging, and Changbin and Seungmin turned around to see what had caught Felix's attention, both slightly opening their mouth before the picture in front of them.

"To what do we owe that you are so happy?" Seungmin asked them when they were already in front of the table.

Woojin sat down and smiled, "We? Not sure, actually," he answered, and Seungmin frowned. "The one that is all smiley today is Chan," he explained and chuckled.

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