Transportation 1

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I understand transportation is like a need in the world but I hate it so much you don't understand.

There was this one time I was on my way to school on the bus lalala minding my own business reading divergent. When some old guy starts mumbling about how young kids need to stop reading and actually do something. EHHHHHHHHH!!!????

Are you kidding me? Are you effing kidding me?

So me being my awesome outspoken self says "Um well reading is an essential part of education."

Then he goes all spitting on me "Well reading is stupid it's never going to help you in life stupid girl."

"Are you that idiotic enough to call me stupid that's why you're a janitor you freaking weirdo!!!"

Yea, call me mean or whatever he deserved it. Like how dare you call me stupid for reading your life must be so difficult right now. Knowing you just got told off my by a kid.

So by now everyone is staring at me on the bus like I'm the bad guy. You didn't just hear this person like gosh. -Sigh- I hate public transportation.

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