Erins pov

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"Cas? CAS!"

I scream as she drops to the floor, what's going on?!

she had just been staring at Mydeth, helping her keep company like she does every night, she had turned around to look at the corner, and had dropped like a stone.

"Oh man, oh man oh man."

I babble as I run to her limp body and gently pick her up.

"wha- Cassie?"

Mydeth mumbles as she blinks out of her daze, looking highly confused as to why Cassie appeared to be dead.

"Mydeth, you need to go get Immy and bring her here, if you. can't find her, go look for Blue. can you do that for Cassie?"

I say, surprised at how high-pitched my voice had gone. Mydeth quickly stumbles out of the room nodding slowly. I turn my head back to Cas, I can't freak out or cry or yell, I've got to stay calm for her. I love her so much, I'm only fourteen, but I really do. I can't lose her or I might lose myself.

what even happened? she had just been...sitting there... and than taken a swan dive to the floor. she certainly didn't look dead, she was...smiling? she looked like she was just sleeping, but ,smiling.

Immy, head of the nurses and one of Cas's friends , runs in, quickly runs in, followed by a scared looking Blue and a terrified looking Wren.

"Erin! what happened!?"

Immy practically shouts at me, I can tell she's scared, her and Cas had been best friends since third grade.

"I- she was- she was just sitting there and-and collapsed."

I manage to stutter out. Immy quickly takes Cas's arm and presses her finger into her palm. looking scared, she puts her ear to Cas's chest and relaxes when she hears her heartbeat.

"she's okay, well not okay exactly...not dead. just unconscious."

Immy says, not trembling anymore now mowing her best friend wasn't dead.

" I still don't know what happened to her, once we find out how she fell unconscious, we might know how to fix it."

Immy says, looking at me questioningly. I sigh and sit down, Mydeth walks up to me and sits in my lap playing with my fingers.

" Well, you know how Mydeth kinda... spaces off every night, right? well Cas usually...helps her with it. and tonight she was sitting next to her like usual, when she suddenly goes all rigid. I turn around when she starts to make this... clicking noise, like with her tongue. she's just staring at Mydeth, making this noise. when she suddenly to look at that corner."

I say pointing to the corner.

"Well then she just looks at it and starts to scream. I looked at it and there was nothing there, not even a spider. than she collapses."

I finish explaining to Immy, she looks sick. Blue and Wren are just staring at her, bewildered.

"we need to try and lead her out of it."

Immy says as she pulls Cas over to the mattress we sleep on, and I pick Cas up and gently lay her down as I sit on the floor next to her quiet face. Immy holds her hand and starts talking

"come on Cassie, we need you to wake up. just open your eyes for us. we'll help you, just wake up."

Blue and Wren kneel next to us and hold each others hands. they would both be dead if it weren't for Cas. she's always had their backs, and hers theirs. she has that way with people, friends with anyone until proven untrustworthy.

" she's moving, she's moving!" Immy exclaims happily, and she was, her fingers were twitching and her eyelids were fluttering. she sat up quickly and looked around at us all I smile

"hey Cassie, we were worried you got hurt. are you okay? do you know what happened?"

I ask gently.

Cassie starts to scream a horrible, blood curdling, earsplitting scream filled with fear and pain.

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