flashback (cas pov)

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I'm running, but they're closing in on me. I'm fast, but they're unbreakable. tears stream down my face as my lungs scream for me to stop, but I can't, I can never stop. silent screaming rings in my ears, It seems wherever I turn they're there. Oh God. Oh please God let me live, I'm not ready to die, oh God, I'm so scared. please.

I run into something hard face first and am flung to ground. sprawled out and helpless, I hear them shuffling and dragging faster towards me. I'm going to die, I'm going to be ripped apart , brutally mutilated as they rip open my stomach and feed on the insides. tears roll down my face as I lay helpless, unable to move from shock,fear, and pain from the car I ran headlong into. they are excitedly scrambling up to me. I am forced to watch as they messily rip my shirt to shreds, when time slows down. someone hits them all away in the skulls with a metal baseball bat. there's a sickening crack as they sprawl out onto the pavement of the parking lot I ran into.

I cautiously tilt my head up to face my saviour. a boy with blue hair grins back down to me.

"you look lost sweetie."

he says warmly. I scramble to my feet, ready to run in case bluenette here tries anything funny.

"hey,whoa, you're okay. we won't hurt you, I swear."

I raise my eyebrow a little at "we" I don't see anyone else, but just then another boy, this one with light pink hair peers over his shoulder. pink boy wraps his arm around blue boys shoulder.

"look we-we're lost too."

Blue boy says half-smiling at me, and I soften at his words. I was still panicky from the undead ripping at me. I look down and immediately feel embarrassed, you can completely see through the shreds of my shirt, bra, stomach, and all. I cross my arms hurriedly, embarrassed that boys had seen my bra. hey, once a fifth grader, always a fifth grader.

Blue boy throws back his head and laughs at my actions, even pink boy giggles a bit. I'm mortified at first, but than start to giggle a bit too. I drop my arms , realising that no one cared about my red bra. I was thirteen, and out on one of my first searches for supplies.

"I'm blue, by the way" he says.

"Blue? like...the color blue?"

he laughs at that one too.

"yea, like the color. and this is wren back here "

wren waves to me from behind his friends back. they seemed pretty...close for friends, wren was cuddled next to blue, while Blue was stroking his back.

"he's my boyfriend."

oh, that would make sense. Jesus, I'm clueless.

"you...live around here?"

wren asks looking around at all of the crumbling buildings.

"No, oh God no, I live at CH elementary school, all of the students live there, the adults kinda deserted us on d-day."


Blue says, he frowns.

"Wren and I used to go to Wrest junior high, used to, thank God we ditched the day the world went to crap, or we'd be zombie lunch. we lived at the old fire station for a while, but we were looking for a new place when I saw you being attacked."

"thanks for that ,by the way I seriously owe you one. I was so scared, I thought I was dead meat for sure."

I thank them for saving me.

"if you don't have a home, I know we would all love you guys to live there with us. we definitely need the man power."

Blue and Wren look at each other, Wren is smiling and he whispers something into Blues ear.

"thank God I saved your life, we would love to live with you guys."

"great! that's so cool, here, follow me, let's go home."

I'm more cautious this time, looking side to side to make sure no undead were following as I lead Blue and Wren to Ch elementary. Blue drapes his arm across my shoulder and holds hands with Wren. and I actually feel safe for the first time in two years.

                                                     ONE YEAR LATER

I grin at the memory of how I met Blue and Wren. I'm so grateful they were there just in time. I'm on my to my crew, even though I just went a little insane and then recovered in like three hours. I rush to the gym, when grabs my arm just as I'm about to open the doors.

"hey, Cassie, look I don't know if you're scared or what, but I know that I definitely am, so just… keep safe? please?"

I smile and reach up to kiss him , he's seriously the best person ever, I love him so much.

"No worries Erin, what would you do without me? I would be the worst girlfriend ever if I got killed. but seriously, please don't worry about me, I swear I'll be safe"

I say to him, pecking him on the cheek and turning into the gym.

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