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{ "I went to treat myself to a big bowl of cereal when I saw a crumpled piece of paper with messy writing, forty dollars and some food stamps" }

hey peeps! i really have nothing to say other than i want a lap dog so freaking bad. i already have a really cute bernese but that's about it for pets. anyways enjoy😂


If you couldn't already tell, I live in an..... Let's just say alarming, town. There wasn't one wall that didn't have spray paint on it, and the fumes and smoke from drugs were everywhere. Sometimes, the police wouldn't even show up until morning for their safety, not ours. "we are trying to protect you" they said.

One of the biggest lies I've ever been told.

I didn't have a fatherly figure in the house. I never understood why. Until I found
out around my tenth birthday, that he had actually gotten into jail for beating up a man. And of course, the police didn't show up until the next day.

I don't know if he survived.

And I never will.

So my mom took care of us. My brother Grayson and I. Grayson is ten years old. I wish he didn't have to grow up thinking that Kraft Dinner is considered our meal. That smoke is what "get some fresh air" meant. I kept my pyjamas on which consisted of my hair thrown up (yes, literally thrown) into a messy bun, sweats, and a tank top. I went to treat myself to a big bowl of cereal when I saw a crumpled piece of paper with messy writing, forty dollars and some food stamps. The writing was obviously done as if it was on the go. It was messy cursive, so here's what I got out of it:

"Hi Kids! I'll be home soon. Just went to the store to get groceries. Love you!



hey! so that was the first part, hope you enjoyed!

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