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Ok ok I promised myself that I would not do an A/N but I have to. Ok so I wanted to know if I should do smut. If yes then this will be my first time writing it. If I do end up writing it then I will give a warning before the smut for those who do not like smut. Also I will be upating somewhere next week I already have half of it done so I will say about wensdau if I don't have a lot to do. Oh and I want to say if anyone is going through bad times or is hurting really bad you can talk to me about it I will try to help.(i said this because I was ounce abused when I was small but did not know it was happening till I was 9) if you do not feel comfort able with saying anything then talk to a trusted friend or family member. I don't like people getting hurt or are hurting so please say something or talk to someone. You may be asking 'why would they right this if they don't like people getting hirt?' Well that is because this somewhat helps me?? And I like klance if klance does not happen I still ship it. I am a multi-shipper. I think that is all I wanted to say! Well till next week.


Ps. I was jumping around on subjects I wanted to say sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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