Chapter 4: Luck

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Chapter 4: Luck

~~~~~~~~~~~{Steve's Point of View}~~~~~~~~~~~

Today was my lucky day.

I entered the Stork Club with a smile on my face as I waved to Amanda who was waiting tables, she smiled and waved back before taking down people's orders again. For a moment I thought today was going to be another pointless day where I sat around and waited for Sky to come but then I saw her.

Sky stepped into the Club wearing dark blue jeans and a white shirt with a blue, spiky animal on it who seemed to be wearing red shoes. Her brother, Hector, didn't seem to like that she was here. Sky was pulled into the kitchen and didn't emerge until a few minutes later when she had her apron on and her face was flustered, as if she'd been crying.

~~~~~~~~~~~{Sky's Point of View}~~~~~~~~~~~

"You're supposed to be at home!" Hector exclaimed as soon as the kitchen door closed.

"I couldn't take being cooped up any more, Hector!" I told him,

"You need to go back home." He said sharply.

"I'm not going home. I'm staying here and I'm working. I need to do something!" I almost screamed in frustration.

Hector grabbed me by the hand and forcibly pulled me towards the back entrance. "You're going home Sky, you are safe here."

"I don't care!" I exploded, "I get it, I have a big ass target on my back but that hasn't stopped me from going to school or doing public gigs or working before. Just because I spotted them once in New York doesn't mean they know where I am!" I was starting to tear up a little now. It wasn't because I was sad, but they were simply tears of frustration.

Hector stared at me for moment before pulling me into a hug.

"I hate living in fear." I choked, "I hate it."

"I know." He smoothed my hair down before pulling pout of the hug and handing me a pen and notepad, "Now go wait on some tables."

I'd never been so happy just to be able to work. I smiled and thanked him before pulling on my apron and weaving through tables to ask people if they were ready to order.

I stood in front of the back corner table with my head down and staring at the notepad.

"Hey I'm Sky and I'll be your waitress today." I looked up and smiled before realising who it was. "Oh, hi!"

"Hi, ma'am." Steve flashed me a smile and I blushed a little.

"How are you?" I asked politely,

"Great, actually." He said staring at me, "How are you?"

"Relieved to be back here." I told him truthfully,

"Where did you go?" Steve queried.

"I-" I paused before thinking of a plausible reason as to why I was away, "I was sick."

Steve smiled kindly, "Oh, well I hope you're feeling better."

"I am, thank you." I smiled back and looked down at the notepad and remembered why I was standing in frog of him, "Are you ready to order?"

"Ah, not quite yet." Steve replied.

I nodded, "Any drinks while you make up your mind?"

Steve nodded, "Water is fine thank you, ma'am."

"Alright, I'll just grab that for you." I told him and turned on my heel.

Even as I walked away I could feel Steve's eyes on me, watching my every move and it gave me butterflies in my stomach. I blushed again.

I went around the back of the bar and stood next to Amanda as she got people's drinks.

"Who is that?" Amanda asked,

"His name is Steve." I replied, "Why do you ask?"

"He likes you." Amanda shrugged.

"He does not!" I exclaimed,

"He's come here everyday since you've been away and he's barely said anything to me, and I'm pretty sure it was the same for Tina and Fiona." Amanda told me and I shrugged, grabbing a bottle of cold water from the mini bar behind the counter.

"What's your point?"

"He seemed pretty friendly with you." She winked before sauntering off to her section and taking down more peoples orders.

~~~~~~~~~~~{Steve's Point of View}~~~~~~~~~~~

Sky returned to my table with a bottle of cold water and a glass. When she placed them on the table she grabbed out her notepad and pen again.

"Made any decisions yet?" She asked with a sweet smile.

"I'll have the spaghetti and meatballs, please." I ordered, closing the menu I had out in front of me. She took it off the table, clearing the way for the food that was coming.

"Anything else?" She mumbled, scribbling the order down.

"No thank you, ma'am." I told her and she walked off again.

* * *

Authors Note: okay, so I got a bit muddled up when I said that things were going to happen in this chapter, and while a few things did happen, they weren't thr things I was talking about.

Anyway! Aww, Steve likes Sky!!! I guess that was kind of predictable but, meh.

I can tell you I'm about a quarter of the way into chapter 5 and stuff is already happening so stay tuned! It won't be a long wait :)

Do you guys think I need to pick up the pace with the story line or slow it down? I'm not sure :/ advice please!!

Until chapter 5, comment, vote, like!

*huggles* arielleblack

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