Chapter 15: Fun And Games

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"The hell was that?" Max asked, walking up to Erin as she angrily played the arcade game.

"What was what?" Erin glanced over at her before looking back at her game.

"You punching Maria in the face." Max shrugged.

"None of your business, Max." Erin rolled her eyes, walking to the next game.

"Kind if is, Erin," Max followed her. "What the hell has been up with you?"

Erin turned away from the game, "Do you really want to know what the hell is going on with me? Cassidy comes home and everyone just forgives her, dismissing the fact that she hurt us all. And then suddenly I'm going to school with her, and apparently everyone just expects me to be okay with this. Well I'm not. Cassidy's back trying to steal my boyfriend-"

"Wait, this is about Dustin?"

"No! It's not about Dustin! She's expecting for her life to go back to normal."

"Well she doesn't expect this unless you tell her."

"She can read minds," Erin said in a hush voice. "She should know."

"Look, Erin-"

"Don't look Erin me! I'm done with this argument."

"No. You aren't done," Max clenched her fists. "You're my friend whether you like it or not. I barely know Cassidy enough to call her my friend, and what I'm trying to say is, is that you need to talk to her. I don't give a shit whether or not she should read minds. You need to talk to her and not Hopper or me."

"You suck." Erin rolled her eyes.

"You suck more," Max smiled, pulling her into a hug. She pulled away, hesitantly pulling her hands away. "Does Dustin know how you feel?"

"I don't think he wants to." Erin said, sorrow in her voice.

"Hey. Dustin loves you, and he will still love you even for socking someone in the face." Max nodded.

"Thank you, Max," Erin nodded. "I really appreciate it."

"Now go, talk to Cassidy." Max looked over to Cassidy, who was trying to play PacMan with Dustin.

Cassidy was flirting, but Dustin not so much. Dustin looked sad if anything, and glanced over his shoulder many times. Cassidy smiled over at Erin as she walked over.

"Hey. Uh," Erin scratched the back of her neck. "Can I talk to Cassidy?" She looked over at Dustin, who nodded. He walked over to Max for clarification.

"What's up?" Cassidy smacked her lips.

"I'm angry, and sorry at the same time." Erin sighed.

"What?" Cassidy looked up at Erin, as she was the shorter twin.

"I'm angry that you hurt me, but I'm also sorry about socking that girl in the face." Erin explained.

"I'm sorry that I left, but I'm here now-"

"No, I'm not meaning that you're here. You hurt all of us. All of our friends were crushed when you died, the only person who brought me out of my hole was Dustin. He barely could even bring himself out of the hole. Eleven, she changed. Max didn't play video games for a month. Hopper, the only thing he ate was waffles. The boys didn't hang out in forever, the entire group was hanging by a thread," Erin explained. "What I'm trying to say is, is that we all were hurt."

"And you're mad that-"

"Yeah," Erin nodded. "I'm mad that you didn't apologize to them."

"I really should. As I am sorry." Cassidy nodded.

"Also, can you stop flirting with my boyfriend?" Erin giggled, and Cassidy nodded and smiled.

Cassidy walked off, assumingely to go talk to others. Max had walked off to go find Lucas, and Erin looked around. She met eye contact with Dustin, and walked over to him.

"I'm sorry." Erin said softly.

"You don't have to be," Dustin pulled her into a hug, hugging her tightly.

"Hey," Erin called throughout the house, entering with Eleven and Cassidy. "We're ho- where is everyone?"

"I'm gonna check in the kitchen to see if there's a note." Eleven nodded, walking to the kitchen.

"I don't hear anything," Erin sighed, stepping down the hallway. Cassidy walked further into the living room, examining the area.

It was messy, old cups and old mugs scattered across the place. Tea bags still in some, obviously from Erin. There were unfinished crossword puzzles, blankets practically everywhere. No one ever realized how messy they had kept the place. Cassidy pushed pass the mess and started looking for a note.

"He's on a date!" Eleven shouted from the kitchen.

"With who?" Erin walked back into the living room.

"I might have an idea," Cassidy grinned.

"Joyce." Eleven had just entered the living room, stating with Erin in sync.

"She could be our next step-mom." Eleven joked.

"I mean no offense, but I wouldn't want Jonathan as my step-brother. He's been different, lately." Erin sighed.

"I've realized that too." Eleven nodded.

"Almost like he's possessed." Cassidy joked.

"With everything that's happened in our lives, wouldn't be surprised." Eleven laughed.

"Yeah, but we all know he's not possessed." Erin shrugged, laughing along.

"True, he didn't act like Will when he was possessed." Eleven nodded.

"He was possessed?" Cassidy whipped her head towards Eleven.

"Yeah, that's kind of how he got his powers. Did you guy's not know that?" Eleven cocked her head.

"We just all kind of assumed that he was like us." Cassidy shrugged.

"Now that makes a lot more sense. He never really shared any memories." Erin nodded.

"None of the memories but all of the anger." Cassidy nodded.

"Wonder what's that like." Eleven chuckled.

"Me too." Erin took a deep sigh.

"I wonder what everyone is up to tonight." Cassidy sighed.

"There's a way we can find out." Erin grinned.

"How?" Cassidy looked between the two.

Eleven ran and grabbed the walkie talkie, throwing it at Erin and her catching the walkie talkie.

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