Part 2

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Sasuke POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about her. The voice of Itachi and Y/N was ringing in my mind. Maybe next time, Sasuke. Next time.. next time.. next time... The faces of Y/N and Itachi swam. My eyes shot open. I was dreaming. I seem to have fallen asleep under a cherry tree. "How typical," a familiar voice said. I stood up quickly and looked around. No one. So I scanned the area with my sharingan and saw Y/N, dressed in a cute tank top with pink watermelon jeans that surprisingly matched her hair, picking flowers in the meadow that I had slept in. She didn't seem to notice me. She was humming, spewing random words that I couldn't hear, and dancing a little. She twirled into a bed of flowers and bent down gracefully to pick one. A tiny voice at the back of my head whispered, She's beautiful. I shook out the thought and crept a little nearer to her, being careful of my step. Just then, something conked me on my head. Being human, of course, before I could stop it, a yell escaped my mouth, and I pulled out kunais. An orange blur went down at my feet. I took a peek. Kakashi's book... which means Kakashi is either spying on me or her. I looked up. My sensei, as I suspected, was there, peering down at me curiously. I took a step away from him without thinking and my foot cracked a twig. Y/N looked up and stopped humming. "Sasuke?" she inquired. "EH?!" I jumped. "Kakashi-sensei??? Sasuke? What are you doing here? HEY! WERE YOU SPYING ON ME?!" I shook my head as fast as I could and Kakashi-sensei jumped down from the tree and did the same. Y/N laughed. She doubled over and fell into a bed of flowers. She was laughing so hard her light and feathery voice rang out in the meadow like a sonic boom. When she calmed down, she choked out, "Y-You guys..." through laughing tears. "What are you doing here?" I smiled at her reaction. I thought she was going to punch both of us out of reality. Kakashi-sensei said, "I was going over to check on you because you didn't show up at training, then I saw this guy here." He motioned to me. I merely shrugged and said, "I was checking on you too, before this guy showed up and hit me over the head with a pervy book. RIGHT KAKASHI??!" I yelled. He backed away a little and smiled at Y/N, saying, "Alrighty then. I'm off to see Kurenai and Asuma, they're planning a wedding, there's a rehearsal today and I get to be their best man. Yay." Y/N squealed like a little girl and said, "KAKASHI TAKE ME WITH YOU I WANNA BE A BRIDESMAIIIIID." Kakashi smiled and motioned for Y/N to follow him. Y/N playfully slapped my duck butt hair and then took Kakashi's arm. I instantly felt a pang of jealousy, and I waved it off. No way....she couldn't be dating Kakashi. HE'S OUR SENSEI!! As they walked off, I smiled. I would win her heart and she would be mine.


You slap Sasuke's hair from behind and giggle at his reaction. He clutches his hair and gives you a death stare. You take Kakashi's arm and he smiles at you. "BYE SASUKEEEEEE!" you yell, waving at him. But he wasn't looking at you. He was looking at another girl that had just crossed the street onto his side of the path, and smiling at her. Your mood immediately changes to jealousy. You wish he would look at you like that....but you guys are just friends, right? Kakashi ruffles your hair affectionately and his expression catches your attention. He's blushing. "Kakashi-sensei? Are you okay? Are you sick? OH WAIT. ARE YOU DRUNK?!" you yell. He sighs and says, "I know I can't hide anything from you, Y/N. I'm sick." he sniffled and scratched the back of his neck, embarrassed. You don't believe him, but you take his word for it and say, "Well, then, I'll send a quick message to Kurenai and Asuma that you cannot make it but you can come tomorrow." You do a couple hand signs and summon a baby cheetah. "Hello Y/N! What can I do for ya?" the cheetah asks in a high tinkly voice. Kakashi is stunned. You are not even the least bit surprised. "Can you tell Kurenai and Asuma Kakashi is sick but will come tomorrow?" you tell the cheetah. Kakashi protests, but you clap a hand over his mouth and smile at the cheetah. "Aye-aye ma'am!" the cheetah says, and scampers off. "Now, Kakashi-sensei, where's your apartment? I can help you get better, because Team 7 really needs you to train us and teach us new jutsu...and I make the best soup ever!" you say. Kakashi smiles weakly and allows you to drag him to his apartment. When you get there, he opens the door briskly and steps inside, and quickly kicks a stash of orange books under his bed. You giggle at his calmness at you seeing his perverted books. He sits down on the couch and tells you the things you need are in the kitchen. You walk over to Kakashi, take a blanket from a closet, and drape it over him. He lies back and shuts his eyes, like he's afraid it's going to hurt. You smooth back his hair slightly and he relaxes. You decide to make the soup and a get-well bag of goodies, like cough drops and a water bottle. You head into the kitchen and notice he has a bag of vegetables lying on the counter. You pick it up and go through the contents, while getting water and heating it up on his stove. As you make the soup, you check on Kakashi, who was lying down, snoring, under a blanket, orange book over his face like an umbrella. You smile and strain some vegetables over his sink. This is going to be a long day. Just then, a voice calls, "Y/N! Open the window!" You slide back the curtains and almost scream. It was Sasuke, who was squatting on the windowsill, his cloak billowing out like cloud. You stay still in shock, for a few seconds. He whispers, "Is Kakashi okay? Is he asleep?" You nod and let Sasuke in, still holding the vegetables. You twirl your brown hair nervously, and say, "He's sick, Sasuke. Listen to him." You point at Kakashi, who is mumbling random stuff about unicorn farts and trash bins. Sasuke smiles gently and takes your hand. You force yourself to not blush and drop the strainer. He takes the vegetables out of your tingling hands and sets it on the counter. Sasuke reaches up and tangles his warm fingers in your hair. You lean into his caress, blushing furiously. He leans forward, and touches your forehead with his. Hazel orbs meet black orbs, and you lean in to close the gap between you.

Kakashi POV:

I wake up, drowsily, only to see Y/N smacking Sasuke over the head with a frying pan and calling him a pervert. A good start to great friendships. I noticed that Y/N was blushing like crazy as Sasuke rubbed his forehead and was saying, "Owwww Y/N! What's wrong with you?! I just wanted to see if you were okay with that!" I had never heard Sasuke whine. And then, I just realized a second thing: I had never heard Y/N speak in such an angry but confident manner. "Sasuke Uchiha, get out of here right now. I n-never....the n-nerve of y-y-you to k-k-k-kiss m-me l-like that, w-without warning." My eyes widened. Sasuke loved Y/N? "A-And besides, I-I was b-busy! Now get out! Or I will blast you out of reality." Y/N glared at Sasuke, who backed up and jumped out of the window. "Sounds legit," I say.


"EH?! KAKASHI-SENSEI WHEN DID YOU WAKE UP?!" you screech. Kakashi winces and looks at a clock. 3 minutes. "Oh, Y/N, just three minutes. I didn't see anything, only that you whacked Sasuke over the head and told him to get a move on." You sigh in relief. Your secret has not been known yet. "But what I heard..." Kakashi falters off. You turn bright red. "K-Kakashi-sensei please, please, please keep it a secret." He nods. You sigh in relief. "Now, Kakashi, rest up! Tomorrow is a big day!"  

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