Part 8 - ENDING!!!~

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Chapter 5 boii (ending)

Sasuke POV

I wake up to the smell of tomato soup. Wait. Tomato soup?! I hear singing, too. My eyes are heavy, and I want to burrow down deeper in my bed and sleep some more, but my brain tells me, Get up you lazy bum! There's tomato soup! You know you love tomatoes~ I smile a little and open my eyes. Oh. Right. We're still at Itachi's hideout, I accidentally fell asleep. But why didn't Y/N wake me? I really want to get out of here as soon as possible, but nooooo, she just really had to let me sleep. "Tch." I say out loud, and then swing my legs down from the bed. I stretch slightly and yawn, running a hand over my stupid duck butt hairstyle, noticing how mussed up it is. I look at the calendar on a wall. 2 days. Wait. What. TWO DAYS?! I'VE BEEN ASLEEP FOR TWO DAYS?! I throw on a jacket and sprint down the steps to the kitchen, where I find Y/N wearing an Uchiha apron and singing loudly as she stirred something in a pot. "Morning sunshine." The words popped out of my mouth before I could stop them, and Y/N jumped as she noticed me. "Hey sleepy head! Get enough beauty sleep?" I scowl and say, "Why didn't you wake me up?" She shrugs and says, "I would have woke you up if I didn't drug your tea last night. You looked like you needed a nap time. I didn't expect two days though."

"You what?!"

"Yeah. Drugged your tea."

"With what?!"

"I don't know, some healing and soothing herbs from the cabinet over there." She points to a wall, where, sure enough, some herbs lay spilled out on the counter, next to a pot of tea and a couple jars. No wonder I felt so sleepy earlier. Y/N smiles. "Do you want a regular one?"


We both stare at each other, smirking, until I sprint forward and start tickling Y/N. She immediately starts laughing and pushing my arms away, but I am too quick and I get past her hands.

"S-Sasuke!! S-Stop tickling me!"


Y/N laughs and tries to wriggle out of my grasp, but I hold her waist tightly. "That's what you get for drugging me." I say, still smirking. She turns around and tries to make a run for it, but she's cornered, she can't escape my wrath. Just then, she tries to teleport out, and I grab her shoulders before she can do the hand signs, and I look her square in the eye. "Y/N." She murmurs a "mmhmm...?" still staring into my eyes. "I think I love you."

Finished! Done! End with a flourish! Did ya like it? Follow me on my page and I'm writing a sequel~GStar~

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