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*this chapter will switch perspectives a few times, this will only be happening in this chapter and possibly the next few to get a feel or the situation from both sides, typically it will only switch once if at all!*


I step out of my parked car into the usually busy streets of Miami and protect my head from the pouring rain as I run across the street. There are no cars on the road, the wind is too strong and the streets are beginning to flood. I shouldn't even be out of the house. The sounds of strong winds and thunder are all that can be heard until I open the door of my favourite sushi place in all of Miami. Yes, it is the middle of one of Miami's biggest storms but when you crave sushi, only Koi Sushi can satisfy your needs.

"Alexandra what on earth are you doing! You should be at home, do you see the storm?" Lee, the owner, exclaims as soon as he sees me. I started out as pretty much the most loyal customer, then I was offered a part time job while in High School working for Lee, serving, and handling takeout orders. I still work here once in a while, but I had to get a higher paying job to afford life in Miami, which he obviously understood. Safe to say that Lee's whole family is all too familiar with me. His son Ryley is one of my best friends, he was the one who brought me here for the first time. They are like family to me. 

"I know Lee, I just had a long day and was hungry. Only your sushi can satisfy."

Although that was true, that wasn't the whole story. In all honesty, living on your own and only having a few friends can get pretty lonely sometimes and I just needed to get out, even if there is a huge storm. I know most people love the rain and can usually sit by a window with a cup of coffee and watch for hours, but not me. Storms scare me, they usually trigger my anxiety and send me into a nervous breakdown, dramatic I know. I don't think I could just sit at home while the strong winds and pouring rain taunt me from outside my window. 

Lee continues to scold me as he brings me water and my usual plate and turns on the television to listen to the news reports about the storm. I'm surprised Lee is even still here, I was half expecting to show up here to a closed restaurant and have to go home hungry and disappointed. Apparently it's one of the worst that Miami has ever seen, but I have seen plenty of rough storms having lived here all my life. I should be used to the rough storms by now, but I'm not and I never will be. A sigh escapes my lips as I shove the entire spicy tuna roll in my mouth and listen to the TV.


I climb out of the cab, throwing the cab driver a hundred dollar bill for my twenty dollar cab ride and step onto the usually busy streets of Miami and look at the directions on my phone. Calum told me about this amazing sushi place he came to last time he was here and told me I just had to to try it and forced me to go now, in the middle of a storm, to pick it up for us. It definitely caused a fight, but eventually I stormed out of the house and received a text saying I may as well pick up the sushi if I was going to throw a fit and leave. They always send me to do their errands, to pick up food, to do everything. All because I'm the youngest, and now I'm out in a storm because they're hungry, typical. 

The rain pours down on my head as I finally reach the small building that reads "Koi Sushi." I open the door and the wind slams it shut behind me. As I suspected, the place is a ghost town, the only two people in the whole place being the worker and a small brunette shoving spicy tuna rolls in her mouth. I stare at her for a second, she looks familiar but I can't quite figure out why.

It's quiet in here, the only noises that can be heard are the news on the television, the sounds of the wind and rain outside, and the girl nervously tapping her foot on the ground. 

"What are you people doing out and about in a storm like this? Did your parents teach you nothing?" the small Asian man exclaims when he notices me standing there. This causes the brunette to look up and a shocked expression flashes across her face as rice falls out of her mouth and onto her plate, classy. Her green eyes meet mine and I raise my eyebrow as if to say 'can I help you?'  and she immediately looks back downI can't shake the feeling that I've seen her before. Why the hell is she out, eating sushi in the middle of a storm anyway? Why the hell am I out, getting sushi in the middle of a storm? 

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