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"Anslets taking today off ." A man said to his boss.

"Tell him to come in." The man growled.

"He is grieving, Boss." The man said.

"Yeah who cares, over who?" The man grumbled.

"Waylon killed himself a few days ago, Anslets taking it hard, but he should still come in!" A third man growled.

"BOSS!" The man yelped as a mug crashed to the floor. "What's so bad about this?"

"T-They were a couple.., then Waylon went insane and abused Elton for 9 years because of Ann manipulating him.., Oh poor Anslet..." The boss actually started to cry. "I may seem tough but Waylon and Anslet were my right hand men, the cutest couple too, those two and I are only 5 years apart, I basically raised them.

"I remember those two." A secretary smiled sadly. "Im 10 years older than them, 5 years ahead of you boss, I remember I saw them as babies, those two were inseparable, age 5, I was tasked with separating those two, ended up with a broken hand." She sat a new mug and cleaned up the other. "And poor Renix and Elton have been separated again for this whole year, poor boys..."

The boss frowned. "Send these to Anslet, I was waiting until he got here but I know he'll appreciate them, so will Renix." He handed the secretary. "I hope Renix, Anslet, and Elton luck..."

"Renix... My chest hurts!" Anslet felt his heart ache, he felt bad for complaining and Renix could sense it.

"Hey it's no problem Pa, I know how you feel.." Renix went over and cuddled into his dad, he hated hearing his dad cry and especially hated when his dad felt guilty for being upset, he played with his dads hair as the man sobbed. "You two were pretty cute together I must admit, Ann ruined him."

Anslet nodded but wouldn't stop crying, he hadn't felt so much pain in his life, just being separated a day from Waylon killed him, he had felt so lonely without Waylon and now Waylon was gone, his heart would never be happy again.

"I know you won't truly be happy again.., but Ill always be here for you, Elton will too when we reunite, just cry it out and I'll listen to what you have to say, you held in your feelings for too long."

"Way-Waylon was my baby, my submissive, cute little boy..., if he needed defending I'd defend him, if someone was trying to beat my ass he'd be there, it hurt every time he cried, it's like we shared the same heart, a-and I felt bad being mean to him..., but his behavior couldn't be supported... Renix I should of saved him! I SHOULDN'T OF LET ANN TOUCH HIM!"

Renix felt horrible, not just for his dad, but for Waylon, Ann had turned him into this monster that he wasn't before, and his dad couldn't fix it. "How abou---"

Anslet sat up as he saw the door open, the secretary he knew well strolled in and sat down the box he knew well. "Lilith!"

"Oh Anslet I'm so sorry!" Lilith ran over and hugged him close. "He understands and sent you two the favorite, take all the time you need Anslet." Her tears were genuine and she looked like she had been crying. "Oh and this is Mari, my daughter, she will be your personal assistant today."

"No you can't refuse." Mari laughed. "And Elton saved my husband, it's the most I can do, and I'm sorry for Waylon, I actually met him before, I was his therapist, he had every good word when I asked him about you Anslet."  She then had tears in her eyes. "H-He was himself again for a quick minute, he told me to tell you he loved you and he's glad that Renix was taking care of Elton, he also told me to tell you Ilywb."


"I love you, wolf breath." Anslet laughed through his tears. "I had got done eating my first piece of kill because thats what wolves do, I come home and Waylon almost gags, I asked simply for a kiss, but he called me wolf breath and ran away, he later came back feeling so bad, and uttered the words 'I love you wolf breath' before running away again."

"Well you smell bad so I'll call you wolf breath too." Renix laughed until Anslet gave him a serious look and Renix immediately looked scared and turned serious, causing Anslet to laugh, but it didn't last long as his heart ache came back and he buried his face into Renix and sobbed. "Sh..., let's go to sleep..." He laid them down and played with his dads wolf ears and his gray hair, white could still be found. "Mari, you can just relax for now, he turned off the light and heard his dads sobs decrease and sniffles take over. "Sleep well, pa." Renix sadly smiled and hugged his dad close.

"He's in so much pain, Wezli! He was screaming and sobbing, so he's at stage two of the grieving process, poor  Renix will have to deal with them all, I feel bad for making him come in tomorrow." Lilith frowned.

"Than we'll take us to him." Wezli sniffled, he had been crying for Waylon too. "Did he get Anslet to sleep?"

"Mhm.., I'm concerned though, what if Anslet goes overboard...?" Lilith froze up.

"Oh god Renix will be broken.., an-and Elton can sense death, oh those two!" Wezli cried out and held his head. "Eltons gonna go mad!"

"Don't stress over it." Waylons voice filled Wezli's head. "I hope he doesn't b-but if he does I'll gather him up..., we'll talk it out, but my poor boy I'm afraid for, And Renix too."


"Ah I've always been a monster, I doubt Anslet even---"

"Father." Eltons voice now filled Wezli's head along with Waylons. "I've seen your memories, you two, he loves you so much, he even knew that, it's not weird for the abused to become the abuser at least once, mum controlled you, gave you the choice of 'Do I hurt him and keep him alive or do I run away and she kills him?' He's mourning for you, his pain keeps growing, he misses you, he wants you, mum was the monster, not you, yes I still hate you with a burning passion but I don't hate you as much as I use too."

Wezli felt a sense of warm fill him, it was as if the two were hugging.

"I will watch over him Elton, God's only knows." Waylons voice started to fade. "Au revoir!"

"Good Day!" Eltons British voice seemed to be cheery as it faded.

"Oh Waylon, watch over Anslet!" Wezli begged. "Please!"

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