Chapter sixteen

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     I kicked him where the Sun doesn't shine and when his grip loosened I ran. I ran until I found my safe haven, also my best friend's house.

"It's the middle of the night idiot what are you doing here?" Mabeline asked, "just let me in please Bel," she sighed moving aside to let me in, "be quiet everyone is asleep let's go to my room," I nodded following her, "you're a mess what the heck happened out there?" I started telling her the long story of my weird day. "You have to tell Hunter," I rolled my eyes, "what do I tell him, oh hey Hunter guess what while I was on spring break I met my mother and my old friend and oh I forgot he also kissed me oh and I was almost assaulted last night and how was your spring break?" She stared at me with a straight face, "just tell him the truth, if you don't it could ruin your relationship with him," I sighed, "you're right but I'm scared, he could break up with me this could ruin my relationship even with him knowing," I nodded, "tomorrow meet with him and tell him the truth, okay," I nodded, "get some sleep, you've had a long day and you have an even longer one coming tomorrow." 

    "Hey, babe," Hunter said kissing my cheek as we sat down in the café by the beach, "hey Hunter," he looked at me closely, "are you alright Jasmine, you look kind of stressed out," I sighed, "I might as well just come out and say it," he arched his eyebrow, "Spring break has been eventful." I started, "my mother showed up recently."
   He nodded, "okay," he gestured for me to continue, "so did Nathaniel, as in Nathaniel Jenkins my ex-best friend," he nodded, "he kissed me," he let out a breath, "I thought you were breaking up with me or something," I laughed, "I wouldn't, I love you too much," I said and he froze turning back to me, "what?" He asked and I sighed, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything," I got up and ran out of the café and to my car. I sped off not looking back to see whether he was following me or not.

Life: High School YearsWhere stories live. Discover now