Chapter 3- DoN't TrY

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    Okay let me catch you up on what we have been doing downstairs for the past hour cause when I'm done, you will thank me for this. We just found out why it's called murder, because "R" is a really menacing letter so that's why it wouldn't be mukduk or something. We have been coming up with funny ways to say "murder" without the "R"s and a bunch of other crap with it. It was nearing time for my mom to get home but I didn't realize it until the door opened.

"GUYS SHHHH, my moms home and you can't be here. If she sees you then she won't let me near you guys cause there is too many dudes. Follow me, the basements all mine and the door is closed." I led them through the door into the bigger part of the basement and to the door that has stairs that lead to the great beyond. "Now stay here for a sec I need to make sure the coast is clear." I snuck up the stairs to outside to make sure my mom wasn't out there then ran downstairs and to see where she was upstairs. She was showering.. good timing. I went downstairs again and let them out. "My mom is a nice person generally but she likes to know when friends are home, especially if guys are here. She doesn't mind if she knows first, but ya know. If you wanna come over tomorrow then I'll ask and let you know at school." They all said "sure" "kay" and some nodded and I went upstairs to get food.

"If you don't want mom to know then I better be able to join you guys next time." My little sister, that is a year younger than me, Blade said. She's okay I guess... kidding she's great, she likes my music and other music too, we're close and I bribe her a lot.

"Fiiinnne." I said dramatically and grabbed a banana and walked back down stairs to my room. I turned my music back on but not as loud. I started writing more song lyrics to the song I'm currently writing, I sang a bit of it and crossed words out and replaced them. I picked up my guitar and plugged it into my amp once I some what finished the lyrics. I tested it out and found a good rhythm and beat. After the guitar I was gonna go to my book to write notes on what I could do in music tomorrow, cause my teacher is letting me use the instruments in the music room during class instead of participating, I have to take the tests everyone else does, he just gives me notes after class, but my mom called me for supper. I had no idea I was guitaring for that long. Its been three hours. I ran upstairs after pausing my music and sat down at my seat at the table as mom set our plates down.

"Mom can I have some friends over tomorrow after school?" I asked while we were eating.

"You made friends already? How many? Tell me about them."

"Yes I did, there's about ten that I wanna have over. Some of them are from the other school in town so I only go to school with five or six of them. There's Gerard, Frank, Awsten, Remington, Emerson, and Sebastian Remington and Emerson's brother that graduated last year, Dawn and Valerie from my school. Then there's Otto, Geoff, Mikey and Ray from the other school. I don't know if Valerie's sister Raven is gonna come but I guess that's 13 with Raven." My mom sat there shocked. We moved cause she wanted me to have friends and everyone hated me at my last school. Now that I say it, I have made a lot of friends in one day.. wow.

"Yeah of course they can come over. I want to meet them so they can all stay for supper so I can meet them." I nodded and continued to eat. After supper I went downstairs and wrote some stuff for me to do for the drum part in music tomorrow then went to bed.

~next day~

      I woke up and turned to my alarm clock to find out I woke up half an hour before my alarm is supposed to go off, yay. I slowly got out of bed and got dressed. Once I got dressed I snatched my book bag and went upstairs and made some cereal before I left for school. I finished my cereal and walked out to the bus stop and got on when it got there. I walked on and saw Gerard shove Frank out of his seat so Frank sat with Awsten while glaring at Gerard, who was patting the now free seat for me. I sat next to Gerard and Frank and Awsten turned around and they all stared at me. 

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