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Caleb waited all night. If you've never had a friend sleeping for you on an entire night on a ladder, you don't know what true friendship is. Shortly after dawn, Caleb decided that Finn had had enough time to calm down.

"Finn." He knocked on the door. "Please, talk to me! Finn!"

Finn didn't answer, but Caleb knew he was awake. Finn was too passionate to get over so fast. Finn wasn't very romantic. Doing that was a great breakthrough, a great show of love. He must have been desolated, but Caleb wouldn't let him stay that way. He knew Millie very well, so he knew she had a very good explanation for it and was crazy to hear it, but at the moment he couldn't leave his friend alone.

He tired of waiting. It was clear that Finn wouldn't open then he stuck his foot in the door and it opened.

As he entered, he found Finn sitting up in bed, startled by what had happened. Caleb closed the door.

"Dude, you ruined my door!"

"How are you?" Caleb said sitting next to him.

Finn wasn't crying at the moment, but it was clear he'd cried a lot. His eyes were swollen and still red. And his whiteness didn't help, because his whole face had turned red too.

"It isn't obvious?" he replied without emotion.

"You're not going to be like that for a girl, are you?"

"She is the love of my life!"

Caleb started laughing at Finn's confession. Oh, how this love thing was hard.

"Why don't you listen to what Millie has to say?"

"I don't want to humiliate myself any more than I already have! She clearly does not like me!"

"You are overacting. Millie likes you and she wanted to be your girlfriend! She isn't a bitch like that. I know she has a very good reason to do that. You know what? We're going to talk to her right now!"

"No, Caleb!"

Caleb tried to drag Finn to the door, but he didn't want to talk to Millie. He was afraid of what he would hear. Finn couldn't take it anymore. Working together and having a relationship just didn't work.

"Sadie!" Caleb yelled when he managed to grad Finn up the door. "Where's Millie? Is she in her trailer?"

"Actually, Millie, Gaten and Noah aren't here!"

"Where did they go?"

"I don't know if this will work, Gaten!"

"You just have to say the right things, Millie!"

"We've rehearsed several times," Noah completed to encourage her.

Millie took a deep breath, entered the studio, and sat down in the chair that had been assigned to her.


"Hello everyone, I'm Erin Robinson and you're watching Clevver News! I'm here with the star Millie Bobby Brown! You know her as Eleven from Stranger Things. All good, Millie?"

"Everything great, Erin, what about you?" Millie tried to pretend she wasn't nervous. She never was, but this time was different. She was going drop two bomb shells in less than 24 hours.

"Great too, especially now that you're here!" She turned to camera. "Last night in a matter of seconds was the internet around the world was talking about a video of Millie being asked in on a date by a mysterious Mexican boy. Millie came here today to explain to us what that was. And so, Millie, are you dating?

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