Chapter 3

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Raen stole a glance at her drow companion. He looked so different in the world of dreams than he did in the world of the waking. Drizzt’s face softened from its usual hard stoic countenance, his jaw lost its firm setting, and his brows relaxed and turned up. His expression changed from one of a strong warrior into one of a pleading and slightly sad child.

With the last rays of the sun warming Raen’s skin, and the peaceful whispering of the trees, it was a simple mistake for her not to notice the figure steadily advancing behind her.

Raen fell to the ground as she was struck down by the hilt of a jeweled dagger. She rolled to her back and fumbled with her sword still firmly in its scabbard. Raen’s wrist was crushed and pinned to the ground by a heavy boot, preventing her from moving, let alone drawing a sword. The owner of the boot crouched over her and pressed the edge of a saber to Raen’s throat. A drop of her blood trickled down from a thin line forming on her neck to water the ground beneath her.

The man stared Raen down evilly. His lightly tanned skin and dark hair marked him as a long time inhabitant of the southern lands. “Now, you’re going to be quite and help me, or I’ll have to cut your neck.”


Drizzt’s body crumpled as he was jarred from sleep by the reinforced toe of a boot. Drizzt rolled to his knees and clutched his stomach as another vicious kick came. “Get up.” An all too familiar voice brought Drizzt out from his hazy thoughts.

Drizzt stumbled to his feet but was felled to the ground by a crushing blow to his face. Drizzt’s back crashed against the hard trunk of a tree, his head lolled back on his shoulder. The man slapped Drizzt across the face. The dark elf’s head jerked back with a snap and a long trickle of blood dripped down from the corner of his mouth. The southern man struck another hard blow to Drizzt’s face. “Stand up and fight drow.”

Feebly, Drizzt lifted his arm and wiped the back of his hand across his bleeding mouth. Drizzt grounded his feet beneath him and pushed himself into a standing position. Slowly, he drew his scimitars and took a defensive stance. Drizzt caught a glimpse of Raen gagged and bound to a tree. She was struggling against her tight bonds and desperately trying to free herself.

“Artemis Entreri, we meet again.” Drizzt panted.

“Well said Drizzt Do’Urden. You know what I’m here for.” Entreri launched into a dizzying attack, but not one hit went past Drizzt’s flashing blades.

Drizzt dragged himself into a fierce battle with Entreri. Even in his weakened state, the dark elf fought admirably. That is, until a piercing screech resounded through the air. Great black wings beat a raging storm through the forest canopy. As Drizzt was distracted by the undead dragon swooping down from above, Artemis Entreri slashed at Drizzt’s side. Artemis turned sharply on his heal and took off in a run, leaving Drizzt injured and in the way of a dragon’s rage. “Until we meet again, Drizzt Do’Urden, just like last time.” Entreri called his parting words to Drizzt over his shoulder as he disappeared into the forest once again.

Drizzt let out a hissing breath in pain; he clutched at his blood soaked side and crawled to Raen’s assistance. With a downward arc of one scimitar, Drizzt severed her bonds. Quickly, Raen untied the gag around her mouth and gathered their supplies. Packs in one arm and the other supporting Drizzt, Raen dashed into the woods.


Darkness descended like a blanket over the forest hillsides. Not even the brightest star could penetrate through the thick shroud of clouds that obscured the night sky. The pair had found refuge for the night in a cave hewn by wind and rain in the side of one of the steeply rising and rolling hills.

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