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We laid on his bed, with me in his arms. I had calmed down, and so had him. We had just talked about everything, hours had passed. Both of us had apologized for everything and anything that we had to be sorry for. And there had been lots. 

It was silence around us now. Nothing else, just us. I wished it would've stayed like this, but I knew it wouldn't. One of us would have to go eventually. He would have to go for a run with Sam and the pack. In a way, I wasn't afraid to be left alone. Even with all these dangers lurking around. Even with him coming after me. I knew I was safe here. And if anything were to ever happen, I knew things wouldn't stay unfinished. He would get his demise anyway.

I looked up at Paul, his arm around me, the other behind his head so casually. He was looking out of the window into the night. Neither of us knew the time, neither of us had felt the need to check it. It had probably been something around 3-4am. The sun would be rising soon. A lot had happened in the past few hours. 

"What are you looking at?" He mumbled as he slowly turned to look back at me. 

"How beautiful you are." I simply answered. He smirked, before leaving a kiss on my forehead. 

"I'm nothing compared to you." 

I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks as I looked him in the eyes. So beautiful and dark, holding so much passion within them. 

"I think I'm in love with you too." I whispered. His smirk faded as his expression turned surprised. 

"I'm sorry, I-" I mumbled as I sat up from his arms. He followed along.

"Don't be sorry." He closed the distance and kissed me again. When he stopped I was breathless.

"You have to start warning me before you do that." I mumbled, making him laugh.

"Did I take your breathe away?" He sarcastically asked, I nodded.

"I don't think that's me, I think it's the lack of sleep." He smiled. "So come on, lay down and sleep, missy. You've had a long day."

I plopped down onto the bed and let him pull the covers over us. "So have you." I said. He turned on his side and pulled me into his embrace.

"I think I can handle things like this better than you. I'm a wolf, remember." He chuckled by my ear.

"You're underestimating me, Mr Lahote."

I woke up to the smell of coffee and pancakes. I was wearing Pauls T-shirt, which was evidently too big for me. But that's how I liked it.

I stretched before getting out of bed, something I didn't want to do, but knew I had to. It was cold and lonely without Paul here anyway.

I walked out into the hallway that lead into the kitchen, where Paul was, shirtless, humming and cooking. I stood there, watching him, a smile plastered on my face. He looked behind him, as if he already knew I was there.

"Good morning sleepyhead."

I walked over to the counter and took a seat on one of the barstools next to the island. "Good morning, Lahote."

"Had fun watching me?" He smirked as he placed the pancakes on the plates.

"How did you know I was watching you?"

He chuckled loudly. "Superhuman hearing, remember. I could even hear you snoring in the bedroom."

I frowned my brows together, yet the smile never left my lips. "I don't snore, don't be mean."

He pecked my lips softly as he set down a plate and a cup of coffee in front of me, taking a seat next to me.
"I hope you like pancakes, it's the only thing I know how to decently make."

"I love them, thanks."

We sat and ate our breakfast and I helped him clean up after. The day went by with us sitting on the couch watching movies and just talking about everything and anything.

He had told me he would be keeping watch some nights near his house and Emily had offered to stay with me for company, but I had felt like it would be too much to risk Emily's life as well as mine. If he was out there chasing me, I was the magnet to danger, and I didn't want her being a part of that.

I was also deathly afraid of Paul or any of the other guys getting hurt. But Paul had assured me the bloodsuckers had nothing against the wolves. I tried my hardest to believe him.

He was doing everything to keep me safe even if it meant risking his own well being, I owed everything to him because of that.

"I'm so glad I met you." I whispered as we were watching reruns of some odd TV show.

I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled. "I'm glad too."

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