Chapter 29

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"I'm bleeding out..."
So if the last thing that I do..Is bring you down..I'll bleed out for you..So I bare my skin..And I count my sins..And I close my eyes..And I take it in..I'm bleeding out..I'm bleeding out for you, for you..."


"Bethany, wake up." I hear a voice awaken me from my dream. I open my eyes, not having to adjust to the light. There was none. I look to my left and see Harry staring back at me.

"Where stopping for some food, at McDonald's. Do you want me to bring anything back for you?" He asks me.

"A salad and iced tea." I reply quietly looking down at my lap. The only thing I hear after that is the sound of a door opening and closing.

I close my eyes and lean my head back on the seat. I look out at the sky and see the stars shinning.


"Mom always says that once a person dies that they become a star." I say to my younger sister.

"That's why stars are always to beautiful." She says to me, holding my hand in hers.

"I want to be a star." I hear her say after a few moments of silence.

"I don't want you to be a star just yet." I look down at her in the small hospital bed.

"Ana said that you can never be beautiful." She looks up to me.

"Ana is wrong. You can be beautiful in your own way." I say to her, tightly holding her hand.

"But Ana said that perfection is to be thin and beautiful. Beautiful like a star and thin to the bones." She says yawning.

"Ana's wrong. Stars are beautiful and they all are different in there own special way." I smile to her, before she falls asleep.

**End of flashback**

"Bethany?" I snap out of my thoughts and look at Harry, currently sitting with a bag in his hand.

"Thanks." I mumble quietly. I take the salad and iced tea from him and start eating and he follows.


"Why do you want to go home anyways. I thought your parents didn't want you home." Harry breaks the silence between us.

"There still my parents. I just want a chance to explain everything y'know." I say to him resting my head on the window.

"Wouldn't you rather be with me?" I would love to honestly. But he's not the one who gave birth to me.

"Harry.." I start off, but he beats me too it.

"Bethany I said I'm sorry. What more do you want? I want you to stay with me. I want you all to myself." Really? He's got to be kidding me.

"Harry, sorry isn't going to fix it. I almost killed myself because of you! And you have caused permeant damage to me. You can't tell me what to do." I whisper the last part.

"So? It's not my fault your suicidal. And it's not like you have a choice of leaving anyways." Ouch that hurt. That's not even worth a respond. He tells me he loves me then says this.

He can never change. All he wants is control.. Dominance and all I need is love. It's never meant to be.

I stare out the window as we pass by trees and empty grassland. Soon enough we come to a stop on the side of the road. Seems abandoned.

"We're stopping here. Hotels aren't very dependable." He says and kicks his legs over the dashboard.

"You can lay down on the backseat." I can feel his stare on me.

"I'm fine." I whisper and rest my head against the window and shut my eyes.

Just when I'm about to fall asleep a loud ringing stops everything. I look over and see Harry grabbing his phone out of his pocket.

"Hello?" I try to make out what is being said on the other line, but don't make out anything, except the word England.

"Y'know eavesdropping isn't nice." Harry ends the call and stares at me, eyebrows raised.

I mumble a small 'Sorry' and look back out of the window. I feel a tug at my arm and I turn my head to look at Harry.

"Come here." He doesn't give me a chance, but pulls me onto his lap.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say what I said. I just say stuff and I don't mean it. Like what I just said, when I called you suicidal. I didn't mean that. Something just overcame me. I'm s-sorry." He rambles on, but I cut him off by giving him a small kiss of the cheek.

"It's fine. But can I ask you something?" I look down at my lap.

"Yeah. Anything." He says moving my hair from my face.

"Do you love me? Or are you just saying you love me, for the sake of time?" I stare into his eyes.

"Bethany...Lets just go to sleep." He says lightly pushing me off his lap onto my own seat.

"Harry, you didn't answer my question." I push him on, not wanting to end it. His answer can't be no.

"Bethany, I don't know..No.. I don't love girls. I don't have girlfriends and sh*t." I stare at him shocked as my heart falls to my stomach.

"So what am I to you?" I whisper tears flooding my eyes.

"Just something that belongs to me." He casually says. But one thing still lingers my mind.

Does he mean it..?


Hi! I hoped you liked the chapter.

Okay so the story is almost over! I decided 40 chapters.

Okay so just in case you don't know what 'Ana' is. It's a term for Anorexia.

I don't really have anything else interesting to tell. So yeah...

QOTD: Do you guys have any song suggestions?

I'm literally trying to think of songs that go with the story. Not just like a random song. One that kind of matches the story.

I have like 400 songs in my iPod, but not many go with the story.

I know everything is like really boring, but so much is going to happen in the last 10 chapters!

Thanks for reading!




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