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Could John show his feelings to Maryse or will Nikki prevent that ?

Smackdown Live

San Diego , California

April 10th , 2018

Maryse : ugh I don't even want to make contact with Miz

So Maryse walks to her own locker room and she sees John

John : Hey Maryse can I talk to you ?

Maryse : no John

John : please Maryse

Maryse : fine okay come into my locker room

John comes in and Maryse locks the door

John : so I wanted to know what was wrong with you last week ?

Maryse : well John and don't tell this to anyone , me and Miz broke up

John : wow dang

Maryse : yeah and so I'm free and single now and no more fantasy football

John : well then

Maryse : anyways how's your relationship with Nikki ?

John : well it's getting to the point where one of us are calling it quits

Maryse : damn well know that I'm here for you

John : same here

They get close and they kiss for a brief moment

Maryse : uhh that was a bit random

John : yep it was and I should go

John leaves

Maryse : he's a better kisser than Miz

On John's side

John : I never knew French-Canadians women are good kissers

John thinks about the kiss and Nikki bumps into him

Nikki : hey John

John : hey Nikki

Nikki : what are you doing ?

John : nothing

Nikki : not this again tell me

John : nothing really

Nikki : oh ok

John : also there's something that I want to talk to you about

Nikki : yes John what is it ?

John : I'm breaking up with you and things are not working out well

Nikki just walks away from him

John : well then that's done with

Now that John is broken up with Nikki and is free to be with Maryse but will Nikki find out about why John broke up with Nikki ?

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