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2 Months Later

June 10th , 2018

Smackdown house show

Atlanta , GA

John sees Maryse

John : Hey Maryse I haven't seen you in two months

Maryse : I know it has been long how have you been ?

John : okay since I just broke up with Nikki two months ago and I'm on my own now

Maryse : wow never knew that

John : well I don't want anybody to know

Maryse : I see and I wanted to ask you something

John : yeah what is it ?

Maryse : let's talk somewhere private

So for whatever odd reason they go to a big janitors room 

Maryse : do you want to be my boyfriend ?

John : hell yes I do

So they start kissing very wildly and from there things get very very very messy

1 hour later

Clothes are laid everywhere and both of them cuddled in naked

Maryse : that was great John

John : same and I like the things you said in French

Maryse : well I saved those words just for you

John : well thanks

Maryse : I love you

John : I love you too

Both of them get up and get changed

Maryse : well honey since me nor you have a match tonight and did our promos we can then have more fun like this back at the hotel

John : yeah I like that idea

So for the rest of the night they had a bit of fun and more partying for them but meanwhile someone was spying on them and it was no other than Nikki herself

Nikki : so he left me for that French Canadian bitch huh and when I see her she's getting a piece of me

How did Nikki knew about John's relationship with Maryse ? And how long will it be kept a secret before Nikki exposes them ?

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