Lindzy chapter 1

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Oh my god something stinks Lindzy thought as she made her way through town. She had to do some last minute shopping for her boyfriend for his birthday tomorrow. What shall I get him, he likes football but he's got way too many shirtsLindzy thought frustrated kicking herself for not thinking about this earlier. She decides just to get him some clothes. Walking into the men's section she picked up some nice boxers she thought he would look sexy in. As she was checking the sizes she noticed she was getting some pretty judging glances from other customers. They must think there for me she thought looking around at everyone embarrassed.

"For my boyfriend," Lindzy said trying to reassure everyone she wasn't weird. People are so judgy nowadays she thought while walking to the till.

"Just these please" Lindzy said casually to an older shop cashier.

The old woman gave her a sympathetic look before touching Lindzy arm and asking kindly "would you like some for your self as well sweetheart"

"Err, no thank you," Lindzy said nervously wondering what all that was about. Properly just a misunderstanding she reassured herself.

She was walking down the street when the smell hit her again. Someone really needs to get this street cleaned Lindzy thought disgusted. Seeing as she had some time left before catching the train she decided to go into lush a soap shop. Much better she thought as the smell went away.

She looked around the shop before decking to buy a nice lemon soap. As she was going to the till to weigh the soap a kid bumped into her making her drop the soap on the floor. Brat she thought as she bent down to collect the remains of the soap.

"You alright their love," a man said in his 50 clearly staring at her ass

"Err yes," Lindzy said disgusted before rushing off to get some more soap. Creep. She was used to people staring at her but 50-year-old men were just weird.

After getting the new soap Lindzy went to pay.

"That's 500g at £6," said a young female assistant behind the till.

"Thanks, there you go," Lindzy said handing over 10

"The bathrooms over there by the way" the assistant said quickly winking as she gave over the change

Lizzy nodded surprised, leaving the store she looked behind her to see a bunch, toddlers and their mum. Ahhh she was talking to the mother she realized before continuing happily.

Outside again she the terrible smell still lingered.

"It bloody reaks" she mumbled under her breath just as a young blonde walked past her.

"Perhaps you should do something about it then, you baby," the blonde said pointedly before hurting past.

Some people are just rude. Can't Someone point something out without being asked to do it themselves and getting hurdled abused Lindzy thought angrily as she realized what civilianization has turned into.

Angry now she decided to pop into to River Island to see if they had that dress she wanted in stock. Luckily they did and she was picking it up to try it on when a middle-aged woman came up behind her.

Looking her up and down she said judgingly "yes, that might be for the best"

Stick of people treating her like this Lindzy turned and said angrily "no asked your opinion"

"It's not my fault you need new clothes." She said gesturing to Lindzy's outfit.

Shocked a stranger would say that to her face Lindzy looked down at her front. All she saw was some nice gry leggings that hung to her figure and a cute pink coat.

"Just because you don't look like attractive anymore doesn't mean you can bring it out on people that do," Lindzy said theatrically before storming into changing room.

Picking the largest changing room at the back of the corridor Lindzy leaped in it and shut the door before sliding the lock in place. Now she was in her confined space Lindzy stood there getting a grip on herself it wasn't like her to pick a fight with random strangers. After pulling herself together Lindzy looked around there was a bench at the back, a mirror opposite and a ventilation grate above her. Now she thought about it was starting to smell in here. Fucking ventilation Lindzy thought annoyed.

Conscious of time, Lindzy began removing her leggings. They started to stick to her arse as she began peeling them off. However, as soon the leggings were under her butt checks they came if easily enough making Lindzy put it down to sweat.

After taking her leggings off she picked them up only to find them a bit mushy and wet. Ewww disgusting, what the fuck! Lindzy thought shocked as she flung them across the room.

After getting over the initial shock Lindzy picked them back up and inspected them closer, near her arse, there was a brown stain and a mushy feel to the fabric. Disgusted Lindzy was about to drop them when she noticed the smell coming off them it was terrible.

Oh my god, that was the smell I was smelling outside, horror rose up inside her as she realized she might have been causing the smell.

I must have sat on something. Lindzy turned her head to look at the mirror to see her behind.

Her heart fell.

She stood shocked as she looked through her own eyes. No way, she thought urgently, I haven't, I couldn't off. She raised her hand to touch her bum. Her fingers brushed the bottom of her panties and she felt a mushy substance. Her whole body sunk, she had messed herself. There was no denying it, as her hand felt more of her panties she could feel the bulge she had made, the mess she had created obliviously.

As she stood there petrified, one hand on her soiled panties she realized that judging by the lack of heat this has happened a while ago and she hadn't realized. She had been walking through town in soiled panties.

Searching for hope Lindzy examined her leggings, her heart fell as it had been obvious what she had done. There where clear marks on the leggings everyone would have been able to tell. Everyone but me Lindzy thought devastated.

The more the fact she had had an accident sunk in the more she could feel it. The bulk of her mess hugged her bum and the weight was pulling her panties down slightly.

How has this happened Lindzy thought desperately I'm 21, I don't just go around soiling myself! How could I not tell I had gone in my panties. Embarrassment filled up inside her, she had had an accident at the age of 21 and not realized.

Her phone rang, it was Dereck her boyfriend. After hearing it ring a few times Lindzy finally registered and picked it up...

to be continued...

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