Lindzy chapter 2

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...How has this happened Lindzy thought desperately I'm 21, I don't just go around soiling myself! How could I not tell I had gone in my panties. Embarrassment filled up inside her, she had had an accident at the age of 21 and not realized.

Her phone rang, it was Dereck her boyfriend. After hearing it ring a few times Lindzy finally registered and picked it up.

"Hi babes," Dereck said happily

"Err Hi," Lindzy said unenthusiastically

"I'm in river island and was wondering if you needed anything"

Lindzy heart raced, her boyfriend was probably 5 meters away from finding her in a stall in a pair of messed underwear.

"No thanks, there's no need for you to go in for nothing," she said panicking quickly

"Well I'm already in, are you sure you don't need anything," he asked

An idea sprung into Lindzy's head, it was risky but worth it.

"Actually babe funny story, I'm already in river island in one of the changing rooms and I forgot to get some panties I wanted to try on can you do me a favor and slip them to me?" Lindzy said pretending confidence

"Sure I'm by them now what kind do you want"

"I don't mind, just hurry up," Lindzy said nervously

"There are some ones with extra padding for protection if you need them," Dereck said jokingly. Lindzy heart sped even though she knew it was a joke.

"Ha ha very funny anything will do just hurry up I'm in the changing room right at the back," Lindzy said pretending to joke as well, before hanging up relived

It didn't last long before she realized she was going to have to get them without exposing her soiled panties to him.

A knock came on the door, panicking and without thinking Lindzy slid the lock open. She was about to tell him to put only his hand through when before she could the door burst open.

Dereck came barging in he was quite tall with a normal semi muscly figure and blond hair. "I thought perhaps I could help you into these if you want...." his voice trailed off as he saw his girlfriend.

Lindzy was backed up in the corner tears spilling down her cheeks, red with embarrassment. Oh no not this anything but this Lindzy thought mortified

"Babe, what's the matter?" Dereck said worried not looking properly at her

Blubbering from embarrassment and fear for what will happen she only managed to whisper "my pants"

Dereck looked down at them and then backed away.

He saw what had happened. His 21-year-old girlfriend had soiled herself.

He could see the dark mess at the front of her panties and the bulge at the back. He saw the pants had sunk a bit under the weight of his girlfriend mess.

Dereck's fantasy has come true, his girlfriend had messed herself. He was aroused but didn't show it as he knew he could get more from this.

"Lindzy what have you done?" He said pretending to be horrified.

"I'm so sorry Dereck, I didn't know what I was doing, it just happened," Lindzy said desperately crying in the corner. My life over has just seen me in my messed panties

"But surely should have realized," Dereck said playing appalled.

"I know I'm sorry it was just an accident" Lindzy whimpered

"I don't know what to do," Dereck said acting shocked but now supporting a semi

"Please don't tell anyone" Lindzy begged

"On one condition"


Derek lit up. Finally, he would be able to see what he had been dreaming of for years.

"First pull yourself together," he said trying not to look too happy.

Okay I can do this Lindzy thought just gather yourself up he's not that mad, thank god. After a minute or two Lindzy stood up straight and presented herself or as best she could while supporting a messed pair of panties

"Okay get changed into a new pair of pants," Dereck said carefully "I'll go outside for a minute"

He stood outside for a bit before returning back in to find Lindsey in a clean pair of plain panties holding up her messed bundle embarrassed.

"Thanks so much for understanding Dereck you are the best," she said thanking him vigorously. "What shall I do with these." She asked him shyly

"Just put them to the side"

"Ok" Lindzy paused after putting her panties down. "Err Dereck are you ok you've got a stork on if you know what I mean," Lindzy asked questionably

"Sorry babe it's just that what I'm about to ask of you makes me feel, you know," Derek said sexily

Lindzy desperately wanting to be forgiven and no one to find out about her accident played along. "Anything for you " she purred

Perfect Dereck thought.

"I'm gonna warn you, you might not like it," Dereck said playfully

"Il do anything as long as you don't tell,"Lindzy said longingly

"Okay then I want you to have another 'accident' in front of me" Dereck demanded slyly

Lindzy stopped, she wasn't sure if she heard right. "Sorry did you just say you went me to soil myself in front of you" she demanded uncertainly


Lindzy's heart skipped a beat "no way" she said decidedly. What the fuck is he doing she thought shocked

"Then I'll tell everyone that you at 21 had an accident in your panties," Dereck said sternly

Lindzy felt trapped she didn't know what to do. She couldn't let her friends or her parents know about what she had done, but no way in hell was she about to mess herself again.

"Come on Dereck anything else, this is not what we're supposed to do as a couple" Lindzy pleaded not quite knowing what was going on. Is he for real, she thought nervously

"Neither are we suppose to mess ourselves but you did it anyway" Dereck countered

"That's different I did it accidentally," Lindzy said appalled at was going on "what do you expect me to do anyway just shit myself right here," Lindzy asked sarcastically

"Yes, or I'll tell everyone. This is your last chance to say yes or I'm showing everyone those" he said pointing at Lindzy already soiled panties.

Horror overwhelmed Lindzy, What the fuck am I suppose to do my parents would kill me if they saw those.

There was no other option. Oh my god, I'm actually going to have to mess myself for him she thought helplessly.

"Okay but if you make me do this we are over," Lindzy said desperately trying to make him stop

"Fine by me," Dereck said shrugging

OMG this is actually about to happen, I'm about to mess myself for a boy in a changing room at the age of 21 Lindzy thought hating her life

"Shall I just go then?" Lindzy asked helplessly

"Yes right now in those panties," Dereck said sternly...

to be continued...

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