Lindzy chapter 3: The messing

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OMG this is actually about to happen, I'm about to mess myself for a boy in a changing room at the age of 21 Lindzy thought hating her life

"Shall I just go then?" Lindzy asked helplessly

"Yes right now in those panties," Dereck said sternly...


"Hurry up or the deals of," Dereck said impatiently waiting now with a full boner.

"Ok, I'll start just give me a minute" Lindzy sobbed desperately. She knew she would be able to do it. She did need the toilet. Dread swam all around her body this was it.

Now or never

She pushed, nothing happened. This is ridiculous how is he supposed to think at the age of 21 I could just go in my panties, with him standing right there. Lindzy thought furiously

"Last chance"

"Okay I'm going"

"Wait, turn around I want to see your arse"

Omg this is unreal I can't believe I'm about to do this for this perve Lindzy thought turning around so she was staring at the wall

"Ok, then go" Dereck demanded

It can't be that bad, it's not like I'm harming anything, you'll be fine Lindzy thought praying she would be right

No more time wasting, I have to do it now Lindzy thought gathering up some courage.

This time Lindzy new when she pushed she would end up going in her panties. She could only see the wall no distractors for her bowels this time.

"Hurry up"

oh no

Lindzy pushed. She felt the first mess start to come out of her and land in her panties, touching her thighs. It was warm but not big enough to weigh her panties down. she carried on going as horror-filled up inside her she was messing her self. I can't believe I'm doing this. The second push came out of her and landed making a small bulge big enough for Derek to see. It was warm and mushy and made her arse hot.

"That's it no more, I've embarrassed myself enough". Lindzy demanded even though she knew she hadn't gone nearly half as much as she needed to

"I'll tell you when to stop or the deals off," Derek said out of breath for some reason

"Are you wanking to this" Lindzy asked horrified, she could feel her hot mess against her arse and it felt wrong.

"Carry on," Derek said forcefully

Lindzy knew there was no point arguing. What was the point anyway she had already ruined these pants. She pushed and more mess came out now completely filling her panties it was warm and mushy and all around her bum. There wasn't a single patch of material underneath Lindzy that want brown. Lindzy was disgusted as she could feel the mess everywhere, here she was at 21 supporting a messy pants accident.

"Last one" Derek demanded

Lindzy pushed. There was no more room for the rest of her accident her panties were full of poop. The hot mess began coming out of Lindzy fast and unstopping. She froze mortified as she realized she couldn't stop, it was all coming out if she liked it or not. She had lost control. The mess began to build up inside her pants making the fabric wet and mushy. Her whole panties were full there was no more room left inside to fill. The warm steamy mess was all around her hugging every part of Lindzy's amazing arse. Here pants began to way down. The once small bulge was now camouflaged because whole panties were bulging. Shocked and terrified Lindzy didn't know what to do she couldn't stop it. She was actually having a full-blown accident in her pants. The poo began to way her panties down even more. It was still coming out off her, a hot mess flooding her already overfilled panties. There was no stopping the back of the panties, the weight of the incoming mess began to slowly drag the building panties down. Horrified Lindzy grabbed at the side of her making sure the back of the pants wouldn't fall down.

Oh my god whats happening. I can't believe it, I've lost control, I'm fully messing myself, Lindzy thought panic-stricken, Why is this happening to me

Her panties were overfilling quickly, all Lindzy could do was stand helplessly as she lost control in her pants. Every possible crack and patch off her skin was filled with the hot mushy substance. The fabric of the pants was straining holding in her mess, every part of them were brown and mushy.

Finally, Lindzy stopped, tears began to spill down her cheeks. She had lost control, she had only meant to go for a second or two, give Derek as little as possible. Keep the panties relatively clean. But here she stood a 21-year-old woman holding her bulging pants to her hips because she had lost control and had accidentally let everything go. She couldn't feel her bum all she felt was a mushy boiling-hot mess. She began crying fully, she had unloaded everything into her pants because hadn't been able to stop.

"Very good"

Lindzy froze she had forgotten about her witness. She quickly gathered herself together refusing to cry in front of him. Furious she turned around,

"Is this what you wanted to see, me at 21 completely demoted to having an accident in my pants. To see me fill every single place possible in my panties with shit. To be here standing in front of you with bulging panties having to support them so the back end of my panties don't collapse. Is that you wanted, you sick, sick, freak"

"Yes and you did better then I thought you would," Dereck said cruelly before quickly snapping a pic of her in her filled panties.

"Delete that" screamed a furious Lindzy if anyone saw that she would be dead

"On one condition, pee yourself for me," Dereck said smiling wickedly.

Unbelievable, here I stand embarrassed having just completely filled my panties by accident and he wants more. Lindzy raged to herself.

"You know what fine, I will, it's not going to make much difference anyway this can't get any worse."

It doesn't matter anyway it's not going to make this more horrific, and I need a piss anyway. I might as well let everything out it's not like this is going to become anymore noticeable Lindzy thought not caring anymore her self-esteem had just been destroyed

Lindzy began peeing just like that. Suddenly the front of her already mushy warm panties began to become soaked with warm pee. It spread all around her pants soaking everything making everything warmer than it already was. She could feel the pee stream all around her making the panties even heavier. They were sagging dangerously now with the weight of the heavy steamy poo and the warm wetness of the fabric. Lindzy's carried on peeing her whole backside was warm and wet her panties literally about to burst from the pressure. The warm pee began uncontrollably running down her legs leaving wet warm streams gushing all over her skin before making a puddle on the floor. She finished, everything she could have possibly done she had done in her pants. The warm mushy poo was bulging against the fabric only millimeters from escaping and then collapsing. Her panties were drenched in warm pee making her mess seem only seconds ago.

There was no denying the scene a 21-year-old girl had just unloaded everything she had into her delicate panties by-accident. All because she hadn't been able to control herself while purposely messing herself in front of her boyfriend. She had lost control and in that split second, it had ruined everything. Her pants were about to overflow and collapse underneath her, she had unintentionally gone in her panties, had unloaded everything in her pants. She had had an accident, a big accident, it was impossible to deny, but Lindzy still couldn't believe she had had it at the age of 21.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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