1. New Neighboors

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You finally arrived at the new house with your mom. Your dad passed away when you were little so you and your mom lived alone.
Just at the moment you were getting in something held your thighs. You looked down. It was a little girl.
„Oh hey there. May I ask who you are?", I asked. I literally love children and this girl is way to cute for my eyes.
„My name is Reese. I live next door. You are the new neighbors right?", she looked at me and my mom.
„Oh my god Reese! Don't run away!", a women walked up to us and grabbed Reese.
„Oh you are the new neighbors?", she said excited.
„Yes we are.", my mom answered.

,,Would you like to eat dinner with us? Just so we can introduce us and become friends.", the woman said. ,,Yes that would be great, right mom?", I said turning around to my mom. ,,Yes of course."

,,Okaay see you later then."

They walked away. When we finished unpacking stuff we got ready for the dinner tonight. I just put on a nice sweater since it's winter. I remembered that in a few days it's going to be christmas. So anyways we went to their house. On the door bell it says 'Herron Family'.


I klicked on the door bell and I could hear a bell ringing from inside. Following on that there were steps running towards the door.  ,,OUCH!", someone yelled after I heard something like broken glass. The door went open and I saw a really cute guy standing infront of me. And if I say cute guy then I mean a really cute guy! He has messy hair, long enough so my fingers would be lost in them if I touched them. He had blood coming through his sock. He smiled at me. I SWEAR TO GOD I WAS MELTING IN THAT MOMENT. He reached out his hand. ,,Hello nice to meet you.", he said shaking my hand. ,,mhmm..", I said trying to respond, but I was so freaking lost in his adorable face. ,,y/n! Say hello to this young man, too." ,,So y/n is your name, huh? Pretty. Come in." As we wanted to get in we saw broken glass. We just walked around it so we wouldn't step on it. ,,Oh there you are?", the woman from earlier said while putting the food on the table.

,,Oh I didn't even introduce me, right? I am Myta Herron. And that right there is Zach, my oldest son.", she said pointing at that cute guy. Zach.. y/n Herron.. WHAT AM I THINKING ABOUT?! AM I CRAZY? Okay just focus on this dinner. Just. Focus.

We all sat down at the table. That girl named Reese was sitting next to me while Zach was infront of me. My mom and Mrs. Herron were sitting at the end of the table talking.

Rice with a super yummy sauce and meat from a cow. Favorite food!

,,So.. y/n.. You sure are single, aren't you?", Reese asked me with a smirk on her face. ,,Y-yes why." ,,Zach she's free!", she yelled at him. I blushed really hard. ,,YAAAAYY!", he said thowing his hands in the air. I blsuhed even harder. ,,Oh my god Zach she's blushing! Does that mean she likes you?" ,,W-what no! I don't like him! We just met-" ,,So you think you're gonna fall for me if we would know each other better?", he said giggeling. ,,I didn't say that either!" ,,Come on. We're just joking, okay? I am sorry.", he said with a low voice leaning over the table.

He. Is. Cute.

,,I know, but I just moved in and that just made me really uncompfortable...", you said while eating rice. He laughed. ,,What are you laughing at you moron?!" ,,You just looked so cute with that spoon full of rice!" he laughed again. I couldn't be mad at him. ,,Smoot..", Reese said.

,,Reese.", I said in a serious voice. ,,Just tryna spice it up between you guys."

- after dinner -

,,Why don't you and y/n go uptstairs so you can show her your room.", Mrs. Herron said.

So we went upstairs and he opened a door to a really cool room. And by cool I mean like THERE WAS A REALLY COOL GUITAR! That's the one I want to have!

,,So.. what do you wanna do?"

,,Can you sing?" ,,Yes.. I can play something for you if ya want." ,,Yes please."

He grabbed the guitar. And sat down on his bed. I sat next to him. He started playing. ( play the video above )

While singing he looked you in the eyes. He smiled. He had a really relaxing voice. It calmed you down. When he finished he laied the guitar. Your eyes met. Silence.

I love his brown eyes. They just.. make me feel so compfortable. He laied his one hand on top of mine. Soft and warm. I had goose bumps all over my body, is this called .. love at the first sight. The first time I met him at the door I somehow felt something in my heart I  never felt before. It was like butterflies. Yeah! Butterflies it is! No, even more. A zoo? Bigger than that. He leaned in. So did I. It was like fireworks are about to get crazy in my stomach. We finally kissed. It was a really really soft kiss. He put his other hand on my cheek and pulled me closer. When we pulled away we were still touching with our noses. The moonlight was shining through his window. I only noticed it in that moment that we didn't even turn on the lights. Did he do it on purpose? Even if he did I am glad it it happened. ,,I am.. sorry", he said looking down. ,,No. It's totally okay. I mean.. I liked it." ,,Y-you did?", a smile appeared on his face. ,,So you're going to be my new neighbor, right?", he asked. ,,Yes, and I do think that it's going to be interesting." ,,Me too." He leaned it grabbed my face and kissed me again. I hadn't any controll of what just happened. It just did. Someone knocked at the door and I immendiately stood up. It was Reese.

,,Hey Zach. Hey y/n. Do you want to play?" When Zach was about to stand up he screamed. A scream of pain. ,,What's wrong Zach?", I asked. His foot was still bleeding. ,,How did you forget to bandage it?" ,,I was really focused on you that I forgot it." ,,ZACH IS IN LOVE WITH Y/N!!", Reese yelled. ,,shush!", I said. ,,No. Let them know." I blushed. He l-liked me? BUT WE JUST MET!!

,,You know what first I am gonna get a bandage. Wait where can I find one?" ,,In my drawer." I walked up to the drawer and opened it. I took a bandage meanwhile he took off his sock. He sat down while I kneed down and tried to bandage his foot. Reese sat next to me. There was a silence. I was focusing on his foot while I noticed that Zach wasstaring at me with a cute little smile. ,,y/n..", Reese said. It was a sad voice she spoke with. ,,Zach likes you. Do you like him?" I stopped bandaging his foot. I got a little nervous and accidentally hurt Zach right there where he was bleeding. ,,OUCH! Y/N!" ,,Oh my god I am so sorry." ,,You know Reese we just met, okay? And you don't have to do this every time a girl passes by, you know?", Zach said with a calming voice. ,,Okay! I got it. I am going to Ryan maybe he wants to teach me how to play Fortnite!" She runned out of the room.

( This is all I have for you guys!! Next chapter is going to be OVERWHELMED WITH CUTENESS SO BE PREPARED!! )

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