Anti Wants You (1)

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Everything looked grayscale and staticky. It took you a few minutes to recognize your surroundings but when you did you stood up.

'My room? What happened to my vision?' You thought. Slowly you walked into the hall and to the living room where you saw the silhouette of a man.

"Hello (y/n)." He spoke in a broken and glitchy voice.

" you know my name?" You asked.

"How rude! You don't even recognize...." he turned toward you slowly, his body glitching as he did. "Your old friend Anti?" He chuckled.

"Anti..." you muttered. The name reminded you of pain, but you couldn't figure out why.

"You replaced me...HE cORruPTed yOu!" Anti shouted, his voice distorted the louder and closer he got. Your heart pounded faster and you tried to escape but your feet were glued to the carpet. He got so close his nose was touching yours.

"HE tOOk YoU aWaY frOM mE!" He shouted. Suddenly you blacked out and sat upright in bed, sweating and panting hard. You looked around frantically and started breathing normally again once you realized it was only a dream. Then you got up to use the bathroom and checked the living room for any strange men. (Just in case). No one was there. You quickly used the bathroom and went back to bed. It was only 4am so you tried to get comfortable but each time you started to doze off, his evil face flashed before you. The one blue eye and one glowing green eye, with the bloody cut on his neck haunted you from getting any sleep.

So instead of laying helplessly on your bed, you walked to the living room and turned on Netflix/Hulu. You made some tea/coffee then snuggled up on your couch watching (favorite series). After finishing your warm drink, your eyes began closing and you drifted off in the chair.


A loud knocking on the front door woke you up. You jumped up and walked to the door. Once opened you noticed Mark standing there.

"Hey, you didn't answer your phone. Are you alright?" He asked. You stepped back to let him inside. Mark was a good friend of yours. He knew about your nightmares and tried to check on you each day. Yes, THE Markiplier.

"Yeah I fell asleep out here." You pointed to the couch. He walked around and sat on the couch.

"Did you have the nightmare again?" He asked, glancing at you in concern.

"Yeah, but it was different this time..." you sighed, sitting next to him on the couch. "I saw his face."

"You did? What happened?" He asked.

"He said, you don't recognize your old friend Anti? And he kinda looked like Sean." You explained. You looked up from your hands to see Mark looked very pale.

"Mark? What is it? What's wrong?" He looked into your eyes and gulped nervously.

"(Y/n), do you remember him?" He asked.

"I mean, a little. It's like, I felt pain when he said his name and when I saw his face." You explained. His hand cupped your shoulder and he pulled you into a hug. "Mark what's happening?" You asked, hugging him back.

"It's going to be okay. I'm going to protect you." He promised. After that he avoided the subject, but you could tell he knew what was going on. He suggested he take you to brunch so you both took his car to the local diner. The meal went by normally with little conversation and he asked if you'd like to go back to his house for a while. You agreed and he drove there after brunch.

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